Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An urn model with applications to database performance evaluation
The authors consider two problems in distributed databases that have identical...
Optimized lane assignment on an automated highway
Highway automation entails the application of control, sensing and communcation...
Design by Petri nets of an intersection signal controller
Currently, traffic responsive control strategies of an isolated intersection gather...
Forecasting carbon monoxide concentrations near a sheltered intersection using video traffic surveillance and neural networks
In this preliminary study the authors investigated the relationships between traffic...
Quality of information given by advanced traveler information systems
A number of studies have evaluated the services provided by Advanced Traveler...
Using a variable production rate as a response mechanism in the economic production lot size model
This paper considers a variant of the well known economic production lot model where...
Case-based reasoning: A planning tool for intelligent transportation systems
This paper develops a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methodology for PLANiTS (Planning and...
Route choice and advanced traveler information systems on a capacitated and dynamic network
Much of the push behind Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has come from the...
Combining Kohonen maps with ARIMA time series models to forecast traffic flow
A hybrid method of short-term traffic forecasting is introduced: the KARIMA method....
An EOQ model for deteriorating items with time varying demands and costs
A generalized EOQ model for deteriorating items is considered here in which the demand...
Recent advances in automotive technology and the cost-effectiveness of fuel economy improvement
The potential for improving the fuel economy of conventional, gasoline-powered...
On the newsboy problem with an emergency supply option
In this note, the authors solve a newsboy problem with an emergency supply option....
Speed behaviour of car drivers: A statistical analysis of acceptance of changes in speed policies in The Netherlands
Lowering the speed of car drivers will have positive impacts on environmental...
Non-stationary ordering policies for multi-item inventory systems subject to a single resource constraint and quantity discounts
The multi-item inventory problem wth a single resource constraint and quantity...
The marginal external costs of urban transport
A necessary input for the analysis of efficient transport policies is the marginal...
A lost sales inventory system with supply uncertainty
In this paper the authors analyze an environment dependent ( s,S) inventory system...
Testing electric vehicle demand in ‘hybrid households’ using a reflexive survey
The debate over electric vehicles (EVs) pivots largely on issues of market demand:...
An exponential relationship for the proportion of free vehicles on arterial roads
The proportion of free vehicles on a road link is dependent on the geometry of the...
Decomposition of the reactive dynamic assignments with queues for a many-to-many origin-destination pattern
This research discusses the formulation and solution algorithm of the reactive dynamic...
Hub network design with single and multiple allocation: A computational study
The authors present exact solutions for hub location models and discuss sensitivity of...
Sensitivity analysis for the elastic-demand network equilibrium problem with applications
This paper presents a general framework and a rigorous approach for the quantitative...
Efficient algorithms for the uncapacitated single allocation p-hub median problem
The authors present a new LP formulation for the single allocation p- hub median...
The demand for transportation fuels: Imperfect price-reversibility?
This paper examines the price-reversibility of fuel demand for road transport. The...
Neural versus traditional approaches to the location of interacting hub facilities
This paper considers the optimal location of interacting hub facilities. Using the...
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