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Service unreliability and bus subsidy
Tisato Peter
This paper addresses the link between the degree of unreliability of bus services and...
A further generalization of Tanner's formula
Hagring Ola
A general capacity formula for the case of more than one major lane is derived, using...
A mixed integer linear programming model for dynamic route guidance
Smith Robert L.
One of the major challenges facing ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) today is...
Routing and scheduling temporal and heterogeneous freight car traffic on rail networks
Martland Carl D.
Freight car scheduling is taking on a more important role in rail operating plans as...
Distribution of the maximum numer of opposed turns in a signal cycle at fixed time traffic signals
Mung Gregory K.S.
In this paper, the probability distribution of maximum number of opposed turns in a...
A study on logit assignment which excludes all cyclic flows
Huang Hai-Jun
This paper first studies the Van Vliet formula in calculating the link choice...
A network equilibrium model for oligopolistic competition in city bus services
Zubieta Lourdes
This paper presents a new model for a deregulated transportation system with full...
Projecting use of electric vehicles from household vehicle trials
Golob Thomas F.
Vehicle trials are an important source of information about how households would use...
Accommodating flexible substitution patterns in multi-dimensional choice modeling: Formulation and application to travel mode and departure time choice
Bhat Chandra R.
The nested logit model has been used extensively to model multi-dimensional choice...
A dynamic disequilibrium interregional commodity flow model
Friesz Terry L.
We are concerned in this paper with creating a dynamic description of interregional...
A theory of nonequilibrium traffic flow
Zhang H.M.
This paper presents a new continuum traffic flow theory. The derivation of this new...
Expected shortest paths in dynamic and stochastic traffic networks
Rilett L.R.
The dynamic and stochastic shortest path problem (DSSPP) is defined as finding the...
User-equilibrium properties of fixed points in dynamic traffic assignment
Smith Robert L.
This paper considers the problem of dynamic traffic assignment under the principle...
Technological change and social forecasting: The case of telecommuting as a travel substitute
Salomon Ilan
Telecommuting, along with other telecommunications services, is often suggested to be...
Duration and frequency of telecenter use: Once a telecommuter, always a telecommuter?
Mokhtarian Patricia L.
The study of temporal patterns of telecommuting is essential in understanding the...
Safety and capacity analysis of automated and manual highway systems
Sengupta Raja
This paper compares safety of automated and manual highway systems with respect to...
Travel time studies with global positioning and geographic information systems: An integrated methodology
Bullock Darcy
The paper describes a new methodology for performing travel time studies using global...
Modeling detection of incidents by drivers
Rollier Dwayne A.
An analytical model was developed to assess the detection of freeway incidents by...
Evaluation of advanced transit alternatives using consumer welfare
Johnston Robert A.
Various combinations of advanced public transportation systems (APTS), including...
The discrete 2-center problem
Sharir M.
We present an algorithm for computing the discrete 2-center of a set P of n points in...
A theoretical framework for modeling sales–service relationships in the transportation industry
Tyworth John E.
This paper presents a theoretical framework for estimating the functional form of the...
Approximate nearest neighbor queries revisited
Chan T.M.
This paper proposes new methods to answer approximate nearest neighbor queries on a...
The importance of organisational commitment in managing change: Experience of the NSW private bus industry
Hensher David A.
With the implementation of the 1990 Passenger Transport Act in New South Wales,...
Rail track expansion in developing countries in the 1980s
Looney Robert E.
Per capita income, country size, and economic growth are often seen as being major...
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