Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Fitting a set of points by a circle
Given a set of points S = { p 1 , …, p n } in Euclidean d -dimensional space,...
The robustness of mean and variance approximations in risk analysis
This paper examines further the problem of estimating the mean and variance of a...
Interactive bilevel multi-objective decision making
From a perspective of non-linear bilevel multi-objective decision-making problem...
Approximation of value efficient solutions
We introduce an approximation set to the value efficient set in multiobjective...
Considering build-later for major transit investments
This paper uses a theoretical model of benefit-–cost analysis to consider the...
Partially-linear transportation problems, obtained by means of absolute value functions
Nonlinear transportation problems may be successfully used to model problems in...
A self-organising model for the travelling salesman problem
This work describes a new algorithm, based on a self-organising neural network...
Cost analysis of the R-unloader queueing system
This paper deals with an unloader queueing model in which N identical trailers are...
Optimal control of an M/Ek/1 queueing system with removable service station subject to breakdowns
In this paper we deal with a single removable service station queueing system with...
Control of arrivals in a finite buffered queue with setup costs
We consider finite buffered queues where the arrival process is controlled by shutting...
Industrial Dynamics
Structure, data, and compelling conclusions: Notes from the field
Some systems dynamics models are more effective than others in changing the thinking...
The Simulation Metamodel
An example of simulation optimisation using a neural network metamodel: Finding the optimum number of kanbans in a manufacturing system
A method of finding the optimum solution for a stochastic discrete-event system is...
Effects of excluding the column being scored from the Data Envelopment Analysis envelopment Linear Programming technology matrix
The reformulation of the envelopment linear programs in DEA to score a decision making...
Mental models concepts for system dynamics research
Although ‘mental models’ are of central importance to system dynamics...
Ethical behavior of Indian purchasing managers
As the global marketplace continues its relentless growth, ethical purchasing behavior...
A model of post home-arrival activity participation behavior
The research presented here develops a methodology to jointly model travelers'...
Cost competitiveness of major airlines: An international comparison
This paper compares unit cost competitiveness of the world's 22 major airlines over...
Optimizing gate assignments at airport terminals
The assignment of aircraft arriving on schedule to available gates is a major issue...
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