Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An interpolation approximation for expected wait in a time-limited polling system
We consider the problem of determining the expected waiting time of arrivals at a...
An approximation method for general closed queuing networks with Fork/Join mechanisms
Queueing networks with Fork/Join mechanisms are encountered in modelling and analysis...
Improving the identification of returns to scale in data envelopment analysis
In order to assess the efficiencies of a set of production units, it is necessary to...
Hempel's Raven paradox: A positive approach to cluster analysis
A practical conclusion of the Hampel Raven paradox suggests a logical preference for...
Specification versus data fitting: SEM prediction and the Q-class estimator
We propose a new class of limited information estimators built upon an explicit...
The impact of measurement errors on ARMA prediction
Measurement errors can have dramatic impact on the outcome of empirical analysis. In...
Evaluating volatility and interval forecasts
A widely used approach to evaluating volatility forecasts uses a regression framework...
Signal extraction and estimation of a trend: A Monte Carlo study
Several authors have questioned the use of exponentially weighted moving average...
Time series multistep-ahead predictability estimation and ranking
A predictability index was defined as the ratio of the variance of the optimal...
An intelligent model selection and forecasting system
In this paper we present an intelligent decision-support system based on neural...
A cognitive approach to group strategic decision taking: A discussion of evolved practice in the light of received research results
Over the last decade there has been a significant development of cognitive approaches...
Flogging a dead horse: The implications of epistemological relativism within information systems methodological practice
The supporters of the realist principles of information system methodological...
The status of women in the UK information technology industry: An empirical study
In this paper we analyse the state of women in IT occupations in the UK. Although the...
Effects of facilitation and leadership on meeting outcomes in a group support system environment
This study investigates the effects of facilitation and leadership on outcomes of...
The illusion of ‘best practice’ in information systems for operations management
This paper explores the adoption of information systems (IS) for operations management...
Improving the usability of information systems: The role of the technical communicator
A successful information system implementation requires effective logical analysis,...
Strategy, performance and operational research
This paper explores the nature of operational research and its interactions with...
A hybrid heuristic to solve a task allocation problem
In this paper, we propose a hybrid method to solve a special version of task...
Efficient formulation of electric utility resource planning models
We show that the z -substitutes method for the efficient formulation of electric...
Empirically testing the benefits, problems, and success factors for telecommuting programmes
The benefits of telecommuting have been recognised by government and business...
Scheduling multicast input-queued switches
The use of multicast transmissions, in which users broadcast their data (typically...
A contingency examination of CASE–task fit on software developer's performance
This study examines the CASE–performance relationship, contingent on the task...
Software reusability as synchronous innovation: A test of four theoretical models
Information systems departments are being challenged to improve systems delivery...
Evaluation of information technology: Strategies in Spanish firms
The aim of this article is to analyse the guidelines followed by Spanish companies...
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