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Found 17295 papers in total
Dynamic programming algorithms for scheduling parallel machines with family setup times
We address the problem of scheduling jobs with family setup times on identical...
Single-machine scheduling with a common due window
We study several single-machine non-preemptive scheduling problems to minimize the sum...
Adaptive protocols for parallel discrete event simulation
This paper reviews issues concerning the design of adaptive protocols for parallel...
An approach based on genetic algorithms to machining operation sequencing for prismatic parts
This paper presents a study of using a genetic algorithm (GA) method to select the...
Using Java to develop discrete event simulations
The rapid development of the Internet and the introduction of Java as a programming...
Forecasting policies for scheduling a stochastic due date job shop
This work studies the problem of scheduling a production plant subject to uncertain...
A sequential method for the development of visual interactive meta-simulation models using neural networks
This paper proposes a practical and efficient method for the development of visual...
Dynamic single-machine scheduling under distributed decision-making
This paper presents a deterministic dynamic model for the single-machine scheduling...
Discrete quantity approach to continuous simulation modelling
Traditionally, simulation executives have been divided into discrete-event and...
Scheduling of client-server applications
In this paper, we analyze the problem of deterministic scheduling of applications...
Ordinal optimisation and simulation
Simulation plays a vital role in designing and analysing stochastic systems,...
Job sequencing with uncertain and controllable processing times
In this paper, a single machine scheduling problem is considered. The jobs' processing...
Making efficient simulation experiments interactively with a desktop simulation package
It has been shown how a design of simulation experiments methodology can be used...
Fuzzy due-date scheduling problem with fuzzy processing time
For most of scheduling problems, jobs' processing times and due-dates are treated as...
Learning scheduling control knowledge through reinforcements
This paper introduces a method of learning search control knowledge in schedule...
Packing problems and project scheduling models: An integrating perspective
This paper considers two problem classes, namely packing and project scheduling...
Bicriteria optimisation of the makespan and mean flowtime on two identical parallel machines
This paper proposes an efficient algorithm to solve optimally the bicriteria problem...
Effective neighbourhood functions for the flexible job shop problem
The flexible job shop problem is an extension of the classical job shop scheduling...
Distributing decision making using Java simulation across the World Wide Web
This paper describes a prototype distributed, multi-user Internet based simulation...
Frameworks for adaptable scheduling algorithms
This paper considers the design of adaptable algorithms that aid the planning and...
An asynchronous protocol for virtual factory simulation on shared memory multiprocessor systems
The development of parallel simulation technology is seen as an enabler for the...
Lower bounds and algorithms for flowtime minimization on a single machine with set-up times
We consider the scheduling of N jobs divided into G families for processing on a...
Integrating simulation modelling and geographical information systems: Spatial decision support systems for evacuation planning
A prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS) has been designed for contingency...
Simulation: An application of factory design process methodology
To successfully compete in today's challenging, volatile markets, enterprises must be...
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