An asynchronous protocol for virtual factory simulation on shared memory multiprocessor systems

An asynchronous protocol for virtual factory simulation on shared memory multiprocessor systems

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Article ID: iaor20012077
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 51
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 413
End Page Number: 422
Publication Date: Apr 2000
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: manufacturing industries

The development of parallel simulation technology is seen as an enabler for the implementation of the virtual factory concept, the integrated simulation of all the systems in a factory. One important parallel simulation protocol, the asynchronous deadlock avoidance algorithm proposed by Chandy, Misra, and Bryant (CMB) has usually been discussed in the context of distributed memory systems. Also, null messages have normally been associated with this approach for deadlock avoidance. This paper presents a new implementation of the CMB protocol designed for shared memory multiprocessor systems. We have successfully used this protocol, which we call the CMB-SMP protocol, to achieve useful speedups in a manufacturing simulation application, despite the fine granularity of event processing. The implementation eliminates the need for sending null messages, without causing deadlock in the simulation. Double buffering is also used to reduce the overhead of buffer locking. It is shown that the CMB-SMP protocol outperforms a synchronous super-step protocol in terms of the speedups achieved. The paper also discusses the cache behaviour of the CMB-SMP protocol implementation since cache misses are very expensive with today's high clock speed processors.


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