Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Applying fuzzy logic and constraint networks to a problem of manufacturing flexibility
The primary contribution is to present an application of fuzzy logic and constraint...
Optimizing cutting parameters in process planning of prismatic parts by using genetic algorithms
The determination of optimal cutting parameters, such as the number of passes, depth...
Algorithms for grouping machining operations and planning workpiece location under dynamic machining conditions
In this paper, algorithms are presented to develop an integrated system to generate...
Mathematical model for determining machining parameters in multipass turning operations with constraints
This paper presents a new mathematical programming model for optimizing process...
A cut-tree-based approach for clustering machine cells in the bidirectional linear flow layout
This paper considers the joint cell clustering-layout problem where machine cells are...
Assembly planning with an ordering genetic algorithm
The goal of assembly planning consists in generating feasible sequences to assemble a...
CF-GGA: A grouping genetic algorithm for the cell formation problem
In manufacturing, the machine-part cell formation (MPCF) problem addresses the issues...
MOAPPS 1.0: Aggregate production planning using the multiple-objective tabu search
In recent years, there has been a trend in the research community to solve large-scale...
Optimization of multipass turning operations with genetic algorithms
The paper proposes a new optimization technique based on genetic algorithms for the...
External partner selection using tabu search heuristics in distributed manufacturing
With every passing month, a number of new virtual enterprises emerge on the internet....
Accounting for productivity losses in aggregate planning
The aggregate planning literature fails to account correctly for productivity losses...
A new upper bound for the cylinder packing problem
This paper introduces a new upper bound to the problem of fitting identical circles...
FMS design model with multiple objectives using compromise programming
There has been a great change in manufacturing systems toward computer-controlled...
Optimum production planning: An analytic framework
Presents an analytic framework for processing planning in industries where fixed batch...
Project management applications of the theory of constraints beyond critical chain scheduling
The application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an approach that can be used to...
Maximising the net present value of a project with linear time-dependent cash flows
The paper studies the unconstrained project-scheduling problem with discounted cash...
A simple and effective heuristic for the resource constrained project scheduling problem
This paper investigates the development and application of a simple heuristic to the...
Control chart pattern recognition using back propagation artificial neural networks
In this paper, control chart pattern recognition using artificial neural networks is...
Regulated quality diffusion revisited
In many manufacturing applications, the regulation of a quality process to attain a...
Total quality management implementation: An empirical examination and proposed generic model
Total quality management (TQM) is considered by many as an important quality and...
Detecting errors in data: Clarification of the impact of base rate expectations and incentives
Organizational databases have a significant rate of data errors and detecting and...
On conducting simultaneous versus sequential engineering activities in risky R&D
We consider development projects in which the activities can be classified in two...
A new approach for evaluation of risk priorities of failure modes in failure mode and effect analysis
This paper presents a method for carrying out the calculus of the risk priority of...
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