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Found 17295 papers in total
A direct search variant of the simulated annealing algorithm for optimization involving continuous variables
A memory-based simulated annealing algorithm is proposed which fundamentally differs...
Simulation-based optimization using simulated annealing with ranking and selection
In this paper, we present a new iterative method that combines the simulated annealing...
An integer linear programming problem with multi-criteria and multi-constraint levels: A branch-and-partition algorithm
In this paper, we propose a branch-and-partition algorithm to solve the integer linear...
An efficient search direction for linear programming problems
In this paper, we present an auxiliary algorithm, in terms of the speed of obtaining...
Solving linear systems in interior-point methods
There are two approaches to solve the linear systems in interior-point methods: the...
Extension of a hybrid genetic algorithm for nonlinear programming problems with equality and inequality constraints
As an extension of the hybrid Genetic Algorithm-HGA proposed by Tang et al. , this...
An interactive reference direction algorithm for solving multi-objective convex nonlinear integer programming problems
We present a learning-oriented interactive reference direction algorithm for solving...
Average waiting time of customers in a priority M/D/k queue with finite buffers
Analysis of priority multiserver queues is known to be a difficult problem. In this...
Synthetic financial evaluation by a method of combining data envelopment analysis with the analytic hierarchy process
After some basic indices are treated by AHP, four synthetic ability indices are...
China's economic reform promotes operational research applications in the processing industry
This paper illustrates the opportunities for operational research (OR) applications...
Effects of error factors and prior incremental practice on spreadsheet error detection: An experimental study
Previous research has shown that spreadsheet errors are common and are not easily...
A simulation model for multi-project resource allocation
There are limited solution techniques available for resource constrained single...
Predicting the probability of winning sealed bid auctions: A comparison of models
This paper is concerned with predicting the probability of tendering the lowest bid in...
Exploring the supply-side of IT outsourcing: Evaluating the emerging role of application service providers
This paper explores the supply-side of IT outsourcing by focusing upon the emerging...
Understanding information systems evaluation as a complex social process: A case study of a UK local authority
The increasing concern from both IS practitioners and academics about the lack of...
Enterprise resource planning software implementation: An integrative framework
ERP implementation is a socio-technical challenge that requires a fundamentally...
Internet commerce security: Issues and models for control checking
When a corporation begins exchanging business transactions over the Internet, the...
Relating value-focused thinking and interactive planning
Value-focused thinking, using the dialogue decision process (DDP), and interactive...
Knowledge-based time-critical dynamic decision modelling
Recent interests in dynamic decision modelling have led to the development of several...
Cycle time estimation models for printed circuit board design
Competitive pressures force the electronics industry, like many other industries, to...
Forecasting errors and the value of information sharing in a supply chain
The paper investigates the impact of forecasting errors and information sharing on the...
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