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AS/RS dwell-point strategy selection at high system utilization: a simulation study to investigate the magnitude of the benefit
Meller R.D.
There has been a high level of research activity on how to determine the optimal AS/RS...
Multimode project scheduling based on particle swarm optimization
Zhang Hong
The multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRSPSP) considers both...
Scheduling in dynamic assembly job-shops to minimize the sum of weighted earliness, weighted tardiness and weighted flowtime of jobs
Rajendran Chandrasekharan
In many manufacturing systems, jobs that are completed early are held as...
Minimizing makespan in a two-stage system with flowshop and open shop
Su Ling-Huey
This paper studies two models of two-stage processing with flowshop at the first stage...
A comparison of solution procedures for two-machine flow shop scheduling with late work criterion
Werner Frank
In this paper we analyze different solution procedures for the two-machine flow shop...
Growth strategy as practice in small firm as knowledge structure
Bellini Emilio
In this explorative research, based on a study of 80 Information and Communication...
Understanding and using the capabilities of finite scheduling
Dumond Ellen J.
Purpose – Presents a microcomputer-based finite scheduling approach to effective...
Scheduling resource-constrained projects using branch and bound and parallel computing techniques
Abril Fortunato Crespo
Based on the idea of dividing the task into several processes, we centre our interest...
The knowledge-based approach to entrepreneurship: linking the entrepreneurial process to the dynamic evolution of knowledge
Ihrig Martin
Reviewing the theory behind the opportunity-based approach to entrepreneurship,...
Knowledge and expertise for high-technology entrepreneurship: a tale of two sectors
Cooper Sarah
The last three decades have witnessed fundamental structural changes in many western...
An application of cyclical master production scheduling in a multi-stage, multi-product environment
Aghezzaf El-Houssaine
This paper presents an integrated approach to solve a multi-item lot-sizing and...
Academic spin-outs: the journey from idea to credible proposition – a combination of knowledge exchange, knowledge transfer and knowledge translation
Sulej Julian C.
A key entrepreneurial activity in recent times, in relation to promoting the...
Incubating enterprise and knowledge: a stakeholder approach
McAdam Rodney
This paper seeks to identify some of the issues, problems and successes associated...
What motivates knowledge workers to involve themselves in employee innovation behaviour?
Amo Bjorn Willy
There is a lack of research describing the process of employee innovation, as seen...
Potential impacts of the proposed West African monetary zone on cowpea trade
Langyintuo Augustine S.
Member countries of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) are expected...
Impact of global cotton markets on rural poverty in Benin
Minot Nicholas
World cotton prices fell by about 40% over 2001–2002, focusing attention...
Organic pest management decisions: A systems approach to technology adoption
Park Timothy A.
Organic farmers make system-level crop protection decisions that combine complementary...
Modeling spatial price transmission in the grain markets of Ethiopia with an application of ARDL approach to white teff
Getnet Kindie
Following the agricultural market liberalization policy, there is an emerging grain...
Testing and incorporating seasonal structures into demand models for fruit
Arnade Carlos
It is widely recognized that purchases of perishable agricultural products are...
A combinatorial algorithm for message scheduling on controller area networks
Pardalos Panos M.
A controller area network (CAN) is a special-purpose communications system, used for...
Global collaborative engineering environment for integrated product development
Molina A.
Globalization has created a situation of increased international competition, which...
An integrated system for managing ship repair operations
Mourtzis D.
The global competition pressure drives manufacturing companies to be lean, virtual and...
Linear programming formulations and algorithms for radiotherapy treatment planning
Wright Stephen J.
Optimization has become an important tool in treatment planning for cancer radiation...
Manufacturing strategic facility types
Davis Robert A.
A major decision area for manufacturing firms is the strategy that assigns specific...
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