Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
A genealogical study of boundary-spanning information system (IS) design
This paper presents the design of a business-aligned information system (IS) from an...
Evaluating sustainable fishing development strategies using fuzzy multi-criteria decision method (MCDM) approach
In actual environmental investment for industry, the stakeholders are often required...
Application of fuzzy goal programming technique to land use planning in agricultural system
This paper presents how fuzzy goal programming can be efficiently used for modelling...
Profit efficiency analysis under limited information with an application to German farm types
Lack of information about technology and prices often hampers the empirical assessment...
Is mobile email functional or dysfunctional? Two perspectives on mobile email usage
This paper offers a study of contradiction in the usage of mobile email. Using...
Contextual influences on user satisfaction with mobile computing: findings from two healthcare organizations
Mobile information technologies (IT) are transforming individual work practices and...
Switching behavior of mobile users: do users' relational investments and demographics matter?
Mobile user switching has become a critical issue facing mobile service providers,...
Potential use of e-democracy in MCDA processes. Analysis on the basis of a Swiss case
In this paper, we compare the ‘vision’ of e-democracy presented by the...
Enacting new temporal boundaries: the role of mobile phones
This paper examines how the use of mobile phones influences the temporal boundaries...
E-democracy: in search of tools and methods for effective participation
The field of e-democracy has approached the problem of improving democratic decision...
Exploring the influence of reference situations and reference pricing on mobile service user behaviour
Despite widespread proliferation of mobile devices providing access to a variety of...
Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments
Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environments, and...
The dynamics of control and mobile computing in distributed activities
Mobile technologies are increasingly finding a place in a multitude of organisational...
Quantifying and modelling logistics at business and macro levels
This paper attempts to bridge the gap between business and macroeconomic logistics;...
Team adaptation to electronic communication media: evidence of compensatory adaptation in new product development teams
Prior research on the use of electronic communication media by teams performing...
On the probability of route existence in mobile wireless networks
This paper presents a route selection method in mobile wireless networks to a given...
Bus and buffer usage in in-home digital networks: applying the Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition
In an in-home digital network several data streams (audio, video) may run...
A multi-start local search heuristic for ship scheduling – a computational study
We present a multi-start local search heuristic for a typical ship scheduling problem....
A new contention resolution procedure for HFC access networks and its performance evaluation
Bidirectional cable TV networks using hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) systems are good...
A randomized online algorithm for bandwidth utilization
Protocols for data transmission over an IP computer network should not only lead to...
A grouping genetic algorithm for registration area planning
The enormous increase in wireless customers in recent years has taxed wireless network...
Evaluation of water supply augmentation and water demand management options for the City of Cape Town
This paper discusses an application of MCDA to integrated water resource planning for...
The effect of top management support of strategic information systems (IS) planning on strategic IS management: insights from the US electric power industry
Strategic IS planning (SISP) is a fundamental tool of strategic IS management. Top...
Detecting and adjusting ordinal and cardinal inconsistencies through a graphical and optimal approach in analytic hierarchy process models
An AHP model suffering from significant cardinal or/and ordinal inconsistencies in its...
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