Country: Germany

Found 3096 papers in total
Stochastic goal programming
In this article we present a straightforward generalization of deterministic Goal...
A probabilistic analysis of a measure of combinatorial complexity for the central curve
We investigate certain combinatorial properties of the central curve associated with...
A primal–dual trust-region algorithm for non-convex nonlinear programming
A new primal–dual algorithm is proposed for the minimization of non-convex...
Interior-point methods for nonconvex nonlinear programming: Orderings and higher-order methods
The paper extends prior work by the authors on LOQO, an interior point algorithm for...
A branch and cut algorithm for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming
We present a branch and cut algorithm that yields in finite time, a globally...
Stable reduced Hessian updates for indefinite quadratic programming
Stable techniques are considered for updating the reduced Hessian matrix that arises...
On the separation of maximally violated mod-k cuts
Separation is of fundamental importance in cutting-plane based techniques for Integer...
Isotonicity of minimizers in polychotomous discrete interval search via lattice programming
We consider several sequential search problems for an object which is hidden in a...
The minimax adjustment principle
The minimax adjustment principle presented in this paper uses the minimax principle in...
Constrained optimization using a clustering algorithm
In this study, we would like to demonstrate the capabilities of an optimum search...
Note on generated choice and axioms of revealed preference
In this article, we study the axiomatic foundations of revealed preference theory. Let...
Consumption‐investment problems with transaction costs: Survey and open problems
We present a survey of problems and methods contained in various works on...
Location problems: From classical geometry to managerial decisions
We sketch the development of location problems from the beginnings in the 17th century...
An outer approximate subdifferential method for piecewise affine optimization
Piecewise affine functions arise from Lagrangian duals of integer programming...
A flexible approach to location problems
When dealing with location problems we are usually given a set of existing facilities...
Marketing and operations research – a literature survey
Over the last decades the quantitative research based on Operations Research and...
Optimal allocation of profit across companies operating with a joint salesforce
We investigate the problem of companies that want to cooperate either by combining...
Optimal conditions for sales force equitable compensation
Past theoretical sales force compensation research has typically applied paradigms...
Application of connectionistic models for the evaluation of market structures
An often occurring problem in marketing research is the consumers' segmentation by...
Remarks on the behavioristic analysis of competitive reactions
One particularly predominant current challenge to quantitative management science is...
The analysis of rank ordered preference data based on Bradley–Terry type models
In this article we propose an approach to study the effect of consumer-specific...
Determinants of regular, promotional and cross price elasticities
The effects of market characteristics on price elasticities are investigated. Market...
Examining the interaction of marketing and financing decisions in a dynamic environment
The market success of a new product critically depends on the marketing strategy that...
A simulation analysis of brand investments
In the past decade several firm acquisitions have been made with the main purpose of...
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