An outer approximate subdifferential method for piecewise affine optimization

An outer approximate subdifferential method for piecewise affine optimization

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Article ID: iaor2001639
Country: Germany
Volume: 87
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 57
End Page Number: 86
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: Mathematical Programming
Authors: , ,
Keywords: lagrange multipliers, programming: branch and bound, programming: integer

Piecewise affine functions arise from Lagrangian duals of integer programming problems, and optimizing them provides good bounds for use in a branch and bound method. Methods such as the subgradient method and bundle methods assume only one subgradient is available at each point, but in many situations there is more information available. We present a new method for optimizing such functions, which is related to steepest descent, but uses an outer appproximation to the subdifferential to avoid some of the numerical problems with the steepest descent approach. We provide convergence results for a class of outer approximations, and then develop a practical algorithm using such an approximation for the compact dual to the linear programming relaxation of the uncapacitated facility location problem. We make a numerical comparison of our outer approximation method with the projection method of Conn and Cornuéjols, and the bundle method of Schramm and Zowe.


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