Country: Brazil

Found 369 papers in total
Triangulated graphs: A survey
In this work, the authors survey some different characterizations of triangulated...
A probabilistic and informational basis to optimize expert systems
This paper presents a knowledge representation and a probability estimation basis for...
Uncapacited Location Problem: Models and algorithms
The facility Location Problem considers a graph G=(N,A) where N is the set of nodes...
Referee assignment for volleyball championships: A competition between three local search heuristics
The authors model the problem of assigning referees to matches of volleyball...
On an optimal growth model of an economical system
This paper presents the optimal growth of a dynamic economical system of Leontief....
Sequencing offshore oil and gas fields
This paper describes a decision support system for sequencing oil and gas fields...
A constructive approach to electric power distribution planning
The paper is concerned with the problem of power distribution planning which remains...
Optimal design of reinforced concrete sections subjected to combined flexure and axial load
A formulation is presented for the optimal design of reinforced concrete sections of...
The complexity of the cost-time tradeoff problem with non-convex functions
In this paper it is shown that the cost-time tradeoff problem with non-convex...
A comparison among four multicriteria methods for decision aid
A first comparative analysis of the use of four multicriteria decision methods are...
Conflicts and negotiation on planning processes: A formulation of decision analysis with multiple criteria
In this paper an algotithm is proposed to facilitate reaching a consensus in a process...
Modeling flexibility, vagueness and uncertainty in Operations Research
During the last four decases a large number of primarily mathematical methods have...
A framework for graph drawing algorithms
This paper presents the framework MkGraph, which supports the implementation of graph...
The Steiner problem on rectilinear metrics
This paper is a survey about the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem, where the authors...
Neural nets and simulated annealing as tools to combinatorial optimization
Combinatorial optimization is the area within optimization that deals with problems in...
Hard 0-1 multiknapsack test problems for size reduction methods
Our reduction algorithm applied to classical 0-1 multiknapsack test problems of the...
An accelerated algorithm for the set partitioning problem
This paper presents an algorithm based on the work of Campello, adding as its main...
The Pk-median dynamic location problem: Formulation and a heuristic solution method
The P k - median dynamic location problem is an uncapacited dynamic problem with a...
Lagrangean methods to linear integer programming problems
There exist many Lagrangean methods for solving linear integer problems from which one...
A survey of methods for linear programming
In this paper the authors survey a variety of methods for solving linear programming...
Variants of Karmarkar’s algorithm
The purpose of this paper is to show how studying few variants of Karmarkar’s...
On solving a nondifferentiable nonlinear transshipment problem
The paper presents a new type of transshipment problem with a nonseparable nonlinear...
A variant of the Penalty Lagrangean Method under linear constraints
An adaptation of the variant of the Penalty Lagrangean method of...
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