Country: Brazil

Found 369 papers in total
An application of the Augmented Lagrangian Approach to decomposition in linear programming
The Augmented Lagrangian Approach is a well known technique in nonlinear programming...
Some comments on Lagrangean duality, optimality conditions and convexity
In the classical literature of NLP, the Lagrangian duals (minimax and Wolfe’s)...
On the properties of the feasible parametric set and its possible applications
Consider the problem of Parametric Optimization with integer variables...
A note on the behavior of approximate solutions in stochastic programming with completely fixed resource
A class of nonparametric density function estimators is defined by fixing a set of...
A summary of periodic replacement policies with minimal repair
There still exists a gap between the theory of preventive replacements and...
Heuristics for the minimal Hamiltonian cycle problem. Part I: Small size symmetric graphs
Part I of this paper presents the main Heuristic Algorithms for the Symmetric...
The variational approach for construction production planning
In this work a departure is made from the development of decision support systems for...
A survey of algorithms for location-routing problems
Location-routing problems involve simultaneously locating a number of facilities among...
Decision-aid: An elementary introduction with emphasis on multiple criteria
The purpose of this paper is to present an elementary introduction to the concepts and...
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