Keyword: risk

Found 1845 papers in total
Moment based approaches to value the risk of contingent claim portfolios
In this paper we describe and apply the estimating function methodology to value the...
Tracking error: A multistage portfolio model
We study multistage tracking error problems. Different tracking error measures,...
Risk preference modeling with conditional average: an application to portfolio optimization
The paper introduces a new risk measure called Conditional Average (CAVG), which was...
Standardized versus customized portfolio: A compensating variation approach
We consider the investor choice among standardized portfolios, which are based on...
Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death
This paper analyzes the relationships between personal decisions and premature deaths...
Risk ownership in contract manufacturing
We consider a supply chain where a contract manufacturer (CM) serves a number of...
EMSR versus EMSU: Revenue or utility?
An assumption of risk–neutrality lies at the heart of the standard algorithm for...
Creating social entrepreneurship in local government
The public sector is often considered synonym with inefficiency and a lack of...
The risk management for technology credit guarantee fund
Technology credit guarantee Fund (TCGF) supports many small and medium companies with...
Towards profitability: a utility approach to the credit scoring problem
Since credit scoring was first applied in the 1940s the standard methodology has been...
The hazard of being an English football league manager: empirical estimates for three recent league seasons
This paper uses data drawn from the English Football League to model separate hazard...
The financial risk of airline revenue management
Every business faces risk. Without risks, no company would be able to achieve anything...
Perceived information quality in data exchanges: Effects on risk, trust, and intention to use
This study examines the role of information quality in the success of initial phase...
Risk averse selective newsvendor problems
Consider a firm that offers a product during a single selling season. The firm has the...
The role of quantitative risk assessment in the management of foodborne biological hazards
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) models have been used to assess the...
Managing Bullwhip‐induced risks in supply chains
We discuss the exploitation of a well‐established replenishment rule, the...
A conceptual fuzzy‐genetic algorithm framework for assessing the potential risks in supply chain management
For improving the use of logistics strategies to lower potential risks that could be...
Risks and supply chains
The increasing relevance of networking in supply chains is altering the perception of...
Forecasting risk analysis for supply chains with intermittent demand
This paper focuses on the forecasting risk analysis in supply chains with intermittent...
Risk measurement and management during new product development: an exploratory study
Developing a new product involves risk. Several writers on the subject of product...
Assessing performance of supply chain risk management programmes: a tentative approach
This exploratory study provides initial directions about how risk management...
Why is long-horizon equity less risky? A duration-based explanation of the value premium
We propose a dynamic risk-based model that captures the value premium. Firms are...
The value of corporate risk management
We model and estimate the value of corporate risk management. We show how risk...
Measuring distress risk: the effect of R&D intensity
Because of upward trends in research and development activity, accounting measures of...
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