Keyword: risk

Found 1845 papers in total
Assessing the risks of service failures based on ripple effects: A Bayesian network approach
This study responds to the need for assessing risks of service failures by focusing on...
Comparing carbon capture and storage (CCS) with concentrating solar power (CSP): Potentials, costs, risks, and barriers
Coal power coupled with Carbon [Dioxide] Capture and Storage (CCS), and Concentrating...
The role of online seller reviews and product price on buyers' willingness-to-pay: a risk perspective
Third‐party interpersonal communications such as online seller reviews play an...
Sequential price and quantity decisions under supply and demand risks
Firms need to deal with not only risks from stochastic demand but also risks from...
Impact of large-scale energy efficiency programs on utility finances and consumer tariffs in India
The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect on utility finances and consumer...
The future of the nuclear industry reconsidered: Risks, uncertainties, and continued promise
Skeptics point out, with some justification, that the nuclear industry's prospects...
Using integer programming for balancing return and risk in problems with individual chance constraints
In this paper, we study probabilistically constrained problems involving individual...
Pricing and disseminating customer data with privacy awareness
We develop a pricing scheme for a data owner to price and disseminate private data. A...
Using a transactor/revolver scorecard to make credit and pricing decisions
We develop an approach to estimate credit customers' profitability and default risk....
Default probabilities of a holding company, with complete and partial information
This paper studies the valuation of credit risk for firms that own several...
Adaptation of forest management to climate change among private individual forest owners in Sweden
Available climate change scenarios indicate that climate change will affect elements...
The role of forest ecosystems in community-based coping strategies to climate hazards: Three examples from rural areas in Africa
In developing countries, forests play an important role in supplying goods and...
Reprint of: Adaptive capacity deficits and adaptive capacity of economic systems in climate change vulnerability assessment
This paper considers two ways that economic concepts inform adaptive capacity...
On the expected discounted penalty function and optimal dividend strategy for a risk model with random incomes and interclaim-dependent claim sizes
In this paper, we consider a risk model with dependence between claim sizes and...
Does climate change information affect stated risks of pine beetle impacts on forests? An application of the exchangeability method
Risks are an essential feature of future climate change impacts. We explore whether...
The Association Between the Disclosure and the Realization of Information Security Risk Factors
Firms often disclose information security risk factors in public filings such as...
On Risk Management with Information Flows in Business Processes
This article investigates the economic consequences of data errors in the information...
Backup coverage models in nature reserve site selection with spatial spread risk heterogeneity
Nature reserve selection with spatial attributes. Set covering models. Heterogeneous...
Responsive contingency planning in supply risk management by considering congestion effects
We develop a contingency planning model for supply chains with dual sourcing. We model...
Water Conflict Risk due to Water Resource Availability and Unequal Distribution
The aim of this research is to support the assessment of countries’ risks of...
New Approach: Integrated Risk-Stochastic Dynamic Model for Dam and Reservoir Optimization
Multiple studies have developed management models to identify optimal operating...
Dynamic multi-criteria evaluation of co-evolution strategies for solving stock trading problems
Risk and return are interdependent in a stock portfolio. To achieve the anticipated...
Decision risk analysis for an interval TOPSIS method
TOPSIS is a multi‐attribute decision making (MADM) technique for ranking and...
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