Keyword: risk

Found 1845 papers in total
Capital requirements and credit policies in Italy: what effects do they have?
The lending policies of European banks have been affected both by the effects of Basel...
Impact of demographic factors on household financial decisions - evidence from Poland
This paper addresses the problem of demographic trends in Poland in terms of their...
Is the minimum amount of coverage from motor third party liability insurance enough to cover personal injuries?
MTPL insurance is the most common insurance in Europe; in most countries, it is...
Coastal inundation multi-hazard analysis for a construction site in Malaysia
Coastal inundation due to multiple hazards was analysed for a potential manufacturing...
Multiple reference points and the demand for principal-protected life annuities: an experimental analysis
We conducted an experiment in which participants were confronted with an experimental...
Hidden regret in insurance markets
We examine insurance markets with two‐dimensional asymmetric information on...
The dynamics of microinsurance demand in developing countries under liquidity constraints and insurer default risk
We study the dynamics of microinsurance demand by risk‐averse agents who can...
Insurance demand under prospect theory: a graphical analysis
This article analyzes insurance demand under prospect theory in a simple model with...
Farmers’ risk preferences and pesticide use decisions: evidence from field experiments in China
China faces health and environmental problems associated with the use of agricultural...
Bidding games with several risky assets
This paper considers multistep bidding models where several types of risky assets...
Backtesting Aggregate Risk
This paper proposes the implementation of a VaR backtesting procedure able to overcome...
Capacity investment decisions under risk aversion
This article studies the optimal capacity investment problem for a risk‐averse...
Designing Supply Contracts Considering Profit Targets and Risk
Managers at all stages of a supply chain are concerned about meeting profit targets....
Bayesian Inference for Reliability of Systems and Networks Using the Survival Signature
The concept of survival signature has recently been introduced as an alternative to...
A Conjugate Class of Utility Functions for Sequential Decision Problems
The use of the conjugacy property for members of the exponential family of...
Modeling Resources Allocation in Attacker-Defender Games with ‘Warm Up’ CSF
Like many other engineering investments, the attacker's and defender's investments may...
Defense of Cyber Infrastructures Against Cyber-Physical Attacks Using Game-Theoretic Models
The operation of cyber infrastructures relies on both cyber and physical components,...
Quantifying Adversary Capabilities to Inform Defensive Resource Allocation
We propose a Bayesian Stackelberg game capable of analyzing the joint effects of both...
Approximate Uncertainty Modeling in Risk Analysis with Vine Copulas
Many applications of risk analysis require us to jointly model multiple uncertain...
Validation in the Absence of Observed Events
This article addresses the problem of validating models in the absence of observed...
Modeling Opponents in Adversarial Risk Analysis
Adversarial risk analysis has been introduced as a framework to deal with risks...
Allocating Resources to Enhance Resilience, with Application to Superstorm Sandy and an Electric Utility
This article constructs a framework to help a decisionmaker allocate resources to...
On the Effectiveness of Security Countermeasures for Critical Infrastructures
A game‐theoretic model is developed where an infrastructure of N targets is...
Adversarial Risk Analysis for Urban Security Resource Allocation
Adversarial risk analysis (ARA) provides a framework to deal with risks originating...
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