Keyword: education in OR

Found 161 papers in total
Implementing dynamic programs in spreadsheets
This paper has two purposes: to help explain dynamic programs (DP) to students who...
A new kind of IP
A New Kind of Science (NKS) written by Stephen Wolfram after 10 years of isolated...
Fantasy OR
An interesting article by J.R. Partington investigating puzzles of a mathematical...
Box-packing puzzles
A box-packing puzzle, or “polycube” puzzle, consists of a number of...
On the use of integer programming versus evolutionary solver in spreadsheet optimization
The introduction of the evolutionary solver in Frontline Systems' Premium Solver for...
A translation approach to teaching linear program formulation
While there have been many improvements in the teaching of operations...
Fiveleapers a-leaping
The problem of finding knight's tours on a chessboard is well documented in the...
An introduction to electricity market auctions using a spreadsheet
This paper presents a spreadsheet model of an electricity market that can be used to...
The bread/flour/grain trading game: Bidding in and designing auction events
Strategic sourcing and more specifically, e-procurement have become part of standard...
The free ISP model and Spinway, Inc
Since 1996, several major free ISP services have been founded in the US and elsewhere,...
Teaching pricing and revenue optimization
Pricing and revenue optimization, defined as the formulation and solution of tactical...
VA-TX Investment Corporation: Credit Card Division
The subject matter in the VA-TX case is credit cards. Since almost everyone is...
Developing and assembling the Law School Admission Test
Standardized tests are useful for assessing an individual's potential to succeed in...
A demonstration of push/pull assembly line
In the introduction to operations management course, both at the MBA and undergraduate...
A new approach to implementing project networks in spreadsheets
Several approaches have been proposed for implementing project networks in...
Risk economies of scale in the finance and insurance industries: Placing the right emphasis in introductory business statistics
Most undergraduate and graduate business programs include a required introductory...
Data cleansing and analysis as a prelude to model based decision support
We describe a loosely integrated set of teaching modules that allow students to...
OR/MS games: 1. A neglected educational resource
Games offer OR/MS lecturers and students important educational resources. However, for...
Towers of Hanoi
In this discussion we examine the famous Towers of Hanoi puzzle from an OR/MS...
Counterfeit coin problem
In this discussion we examine two versions of the famous Counterfeit Coin Problem,...
IP modeling and the logical puzzles of Raymond Smullyan
The ability to include logical conditions within Integer Programming (IP) models has...
A generalized PERT/CPM implementation in a spreadsheet
This paper describes the implementation of the traditional PERT/CPM algorithm for...
Optimization software pitfalls: Raising awareness in the classroom
Very little can be found in the OR/MS literature on the pitfalls of optimization...
A parametric visualization software for the assignment problem
In this paper we present a parametric visualization software used to assist the...
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