A demonstration of push/pull assembly line

A demonstration of push/pull assembly line

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Article ID: iaor20053032
Country: United States
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Publication Date: May 2002
Journal: INFORMS Transactions on Education
Authors: ,
Keywords: education in OR

In the introduction to operations management course, both at the MBA and undergraduate level, we use a variety of demonstrations and games to illustrate key concepts of production and operations. One particular topic, which is the subject of this demonstration, is the difference between push and pull production. Although it is easy to describe the two systems of production, the benefits of the pull system are hard to motivate especially to undergraduate students with limited exposure to assembly line manufacturing. In our experience, an in-class demonstration of the two systems allows for a better discussion and ultimately a better understanding of the benefits. One very effective demonstration is the cups game designed by Peter Jackson. It illustrates clearly the difference between push and pull production and serves as a very stimulating vehicle for discussion of the relevant concepts.


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