Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
Facility-wide planning and scheduling of printed wiring board assembly
In the last decade, the U.S. electronics industry has experienced a 10% annual...
A DEA selection system for selective examinations
This paper presents a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) selection system applicable to...
A generalized qualitative-response model and the analysis of management fraud
Management fraud has become a topic of increasing interest to the public accounting...
The magnitude of errors in proximal multiattribute decision analysis with probabilistically dependent attributes
This paper investigates the accuracy of an approximation procedure for evaluating...
Models and Measures for Efficiency Dominance in DEA Part I: Additive models and MED measures
The usual models in DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) employ a postulate of continuity...
Models and measures for efficiency dominance in DEA Part II: Free Disposal Hull (FDH) and Russell Measure (RM) approaches
Models and measures of efficiency dominance as treated by Free Disposal Hull and...
Procedural justice and managers’ in-role and extra-role behavior: The case of the multinational
Existing procedural justice studies to date offer only pieces of the picture on how...
Aggregation of fuzzy opinions under group decision making
In this paper, a method is proposed for aggregating individual fuzzy opinions into a...
Design for success?: Critical success factors in executive information systems development
Much of the literature on executive information systems (EIS) development provides...
Group decision-making and the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Exploring the consensus-relevant information content
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is being increasingly applied to managerial and...
Decisionmaking in the motor carrier industry
Distinct discrete decisions made by the same economic actor are likely to be...
Representation and solution of decision problems using sequential decision diagrams
In this paper the authors introduce a new graph, the sequential decision diagram, to...
A decision analysis model to make operating choices in the oil sector
The paper presents an evaluation method of different initial strategies for the...
From operational research towards decision aid: A quest for the philosophers’ stone?
The literature has been, and is still, replete with grandiose promises of what...
Unreasonable rationality?
This paper explores how fractional demands (the optimal fraction of wealth invested in...
A contextual uncertainty condition for behavior under risk
Suppose that your choice between uncertain financial prospects is made more difficult...
The invention of the independence condition for preferences
This paper discusses the history and interrelations of three central ideas in...
A procedure of implication using quantifiable binary relations for structural modeling
In the field of system engineering, numerous proposals have been made for structural...
Game Theory: Concepts, mathematical formalization and application to the assignment of joint cost
This paper presents the basic concepts of Game Theory and the mathematical...
Consensus in distributed soft environments
This paper studies the problem of formalizing consensus reaching within a set of...
Twenty years of strategic distribution system design: An evolutionary perspective
Using optimization to design distribution systems became technically feasible a little...
Teamwork in group model building
Ongoing research at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy is focusing...
A desktop-OR success: Modeling Coast Guard buoy tender operations
The authors created a desktop-OR decision support system to support the Coast...
A Maximum Decisional Efficiency estimation principle
This paper proposes a systematic approach to certain parameter estimation problems...
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