Keyword: programming: multiple criteria

Found 1553 papers in total
An efficient Differential Evolution based algorithm for solving multi‐objective optimization problems
In the present study, a modified variant of Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm for...
Multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems with a cost and several bottleneck objective functions: An algorithm with reoptimization
This paper addresses multicriteria combinatorial optimization problems involving one...
The min‐conflict packing problem
In the classical bin‐packing problem with conflicts (BPC), the goal is to...
An Exact Method for Balancing Efficiency and Equity in the Liver Allocation Hierarchy
We study the problem of (re)designing the regional network by which cadaveric livers...
Exact hybrid algorithms for solving a bi‐objective vehicle routing problem
The paper investigates a capacitated vehicle routing problem with two objectives: (1)...
Multi‐objective supply planning for two‐level assembly systems with stochastic lead times
This paper considers two‐level assembly systems whose lead times of components...
Exact algorithms for OWA‐optimization in multiobjective spanning tree problems
This paper deals with the multiobjective version of the optimal spanning tree problem....
A two‐slope achievement scalarizing function for interactive multiobjective optimization
The use of achievement (scalarizing) functions in interactive multiobjective...
Some convergence‐based M‐ary cardinal metrics for comparing performances of multi‐objective optimizers
There is still a big question to the community of multi‐objective optimization:...
An analysis of cyclic scheduling problems in robot centered cells
The focus of this study is a robot centered cell consisting of m computer numerical...
Approximation Algorithms for Degree‐Constrained Minimum‐Cost Network‐Design Problems
We study network‐design problems with two different design objectives: the...
A multiobjective stochastic program for hospital bed planning
In this paper, we study hospital bed capacity management for a set of existing...
Using approximate secant equations in limited memory methods for multilevel unconstrained optimization
The properties of multilevel optimization problems defined on a hierarchy of...
Generating equidistant representations in biobjective programming
In recent years, emphasis has been placed on generating quality representations of the...
A new achievement scalarizing function based on parameterization in multiobjective optimization
This paper addresses a general multiobjective optimization problem. One of the most...
Learning non‐monotonic additive value functions for multicriteria decision making
Multiattribute additive value functions constitute an important class of models for...
A multi‐objective programming approach for designing complicated logistics network
Designing logistics network is a crucial and frequent decision for manufacturers,...
A switching control strategy for the attenuation of blood glucose disturbances
In this computational study we consider a generalized minimal model structure for the...
Worst‐case analysis for flow shop scheduling problems with an exponential learning effect
A real industrial production phenomenon, referred to as learning effects, has drawn...
Multiobjective 0-1 integer programming for the use of sugarcane residual biomass in energy cogeneration
It is well known that Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane in the world....
Towards an Optimum Well-being for the Lithuanian Regions
The computation of regional income, being an exponent of the welfare economy, is not...
Optimizing Selection of Technologies in a Multiple Stage, Multiple Objective Wastewater Treatment System
In this paper, a multiple stage wastewater treatment system (WTS) is solved for the...
Time Consistency Issue in Multi-Objective Optimization
When the conditions for applying Bellman's principle of optimality hold, the...
Bi-Criteria Scheduling of Surgical Services for an Outpatient Procedure Center
Uncertainty in the duration of surgical procedures can cause long patient wait times,...
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