Multi‐objective supply planning for two‐level assembly systems with stochastic lead times

Multi‐objective supply planning for two‐level assembly systems with stochastic lead times

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Article ID: iaor201111436
Volume: 39
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 1325
End Page Number: 1332
Publication Date: Jul 2012
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: production, stochastic processes, queues: applications, programming: multiple criteria, supply & supply chains

This paper considers two‐level assembly systems whose lead times of components are stochastic with known discrete random distributions. In such a system, supply planning requires determination of release dates of components at level 2 in order to minimize expected holding cost and to maximize customer service. Hnaien et al. [Hnaien F, Delorme X, Dolgui A. Multi‐objective optimization for inventory control in two‐level assembly systems under uncertainty of lead times. Computers and Operations Research 2010; 37:1835–43] have recently examined this problem, trying to solve it through multi‐objective genetic algorithms. However, some reconsideration in their paper is unavoidable. The main problem with Hnaien et al. proposal is their wrong mathematical model. In addition, the proposed algorithms do not work properly in large‐scale instances. In the current paper, this model is corrected and solved via a new approach based on NSGA‐II that is called Guided NSGA‐II. This approach tries to guide search toward preferable regions in the solution space. According to the statistical analyses, the guided NSGA‐II has the higher performance in comparison with the basic NSGA‐II used by Hnaien et al. Moreover, the wrongly reported characteristics of the Pareto front shape provided by Hnaien et al. are modified.


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