Keyword: programming: multiple criteria

Found 1553 papers in total
Solution method for the location planning problem of logistics park with variable capacity
In this paper we study a logistics park location planning problem in which the...
BSTBGA: A hybrid genetic algorithm for constrained multi‐objective optimization problems
Most of the existing multi‐objective genetic algorithms were developed for...
Multiobjective scatter search for a commercial territory design problem
In this paper, a multiobjective scatter search procedure for a bi‐objective...
Stochastic Pareto local search: Pareto neighbourhood exploration and perturbation strategies
Pareto local search (PLS) methods are local search algorithms for...
Solution Of A Multivariate Stratified Sampling Problem Through Chebyshev Goal Programming
In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the variances for the various...
Fuzzy Multi‐objective Linear Programming Approach
Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is one of the challenging real‐life problems,...
Connectedness of Efficient Solutions in Multiple Objective Combinatorial Optimization
Connectedness of efficient solutions is a powerful property in multiple objective...
A Generalization of Mixed Problems with an Application to Multiobjective Optimal Control
This paper generalizes to multiobjective optimization the notion of mixed problems as...
Vector Optimization Problems via Improvement Sets
Motivated by applications to the real world, various optimality criteria (also...
Stochastic Multiobjective Optimization: Sample Average Approximation and Applications
We investigate one stage stochastic multiobjective optimization problems where the...
A bi‐objective model to optimize reliability and cost of system with a choice of redundancy strategies
Reliability problems are an important type of optimization problems that are motivated...
A bi‐objective model for robust berth allocation scheduling
Berth allocation is an important port operation problem for container terminals. This...
Why Cost Benefit Analysis is perceived as a problematic tool for assessment of transport plans: A process perspective
Academic discussions on Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as an appraisal instrument for...
Algebra of Efficient Sets for Multiobjective Complex Systems
Complex systems are modeled as collections of multiobjective programs representing...
A multiple objective approach to scheduling the preventive maintenance of modular aircraft components
Preventive maintenance (or overhaul) is crucial for military aircraft...
An Interactive Algorithm for Multi‐objective Route Planning
We address the route selection problem for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) under multiple...
The Well‐Posedness for Multiobjective Generalized Games
In this paper, the new notions of the generalized Tykhonov well‐posedness for...
A dual variant of Benson’s ‘outer approximation algorithm’ for multiple objective linear programming
Outcome space methods construct the set of nondominated points in the objective...
Copulas with maximum entropy
We shall find a multi‐dimensional checkerboard copula of maximum entropy that...
A Multi‐Objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm for supply chain network design
Strategic supply chain network optimisation is significant, as it involves...
Supply chain network operations management of a blood banking system with cost and risk minimization
Blood service operations are a key component of the healthcare system all over the...
Combined mathematical programming and heuristics for a radiotherapy pre‐treatment scheduling problem
Demand for radiotherapy treatment services has increased due to higher cancer...
Greedy algorithms for a class of knapsack problems with binary weights
In this article we identify a class of two‐dimensional knapsack problems with...
A multiobjective metaheuristic for a mean‐risk multistage capacity investment problem with process flexibility
In this paper, we propose a multiobjective local search metaheuristic for a...
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