Keyword: programming: multiple criteria

Found 1553 papers in total
A synchronous reference point‐based interactive method for stochastic multiobjective programming
Stochastic multiobjective programming models are highly complex problems, due to the...
On improving normal boundary intersection method for generation of Pareto frontier
Gradient‐based methods, including Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI), for...
A local multiobjective optimization algorithm using neighborhood field
A new local search algorithm for multiobjective optimization problems is proposed to...
Second order optimality conditions for differentiable multiobjective problems
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set...
A Generalization of Dynamic Programming for Pareto Optimization in Dynamic Networks
The Algorithm in this paper is designed to find the shortest path in a network given...
Airline planning benchmark problems–Part I:
This paper is the first of two papers entitled ‘Airline Planning Benchmark...
Airline planning benchmark problems–Part II: Passenger groups, utility and demand allocation
This paper is the second of two papers entitled ‘Airline Planning Benchmark...
Vector optimisation using fuzzy preference in evolutionary strategy based firefly algorithm
Solving vector optimisation entails the conflict among component objectives. The best...
Multiobjective planning for naval mine counter measures missions
Near‐optimal scheduling and allocation for DoD missions is complicated by many...
Second‐order multiobjective symmetric duality involving cone‐bonvex functions
In this paper, a new pair of second‐order multiobjective symmetric dual...
On efficient applications of G‐Karush‐Kuhn‐Tucker necessary optimality theorems to multiobjective programming problems
We prove a slightly modified G ‐Karush‐Kuhn‐Tucker necessary...
On the Existence of Optima in Complete Chains and Lattices
A necessary and sufficient condition for a preference ordering defined on a...
Necessary Optimality Conditions and a New Approach to Multiobjective Bilevel Optimization Problems
Multiobjective optimization problems typically have conflicting objectives, and a gain...
COTS selection using fuzzy interactive approach
In this paper, we introduce fuzzy mathematical programming (FMP) for...
Integrated production strategy and reuse scenario: A CoFAQ model and case study of mail server system development
One of the core problems in software product family (SPF) is the coordination of...
Commercial territory design planning with realignment and disjoint assignment requirements
A territory design problem motivated by a bottled beverage distribution company is...
A Generic Branch‐and‐Cut Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization Problems: Application to the Multilabel Traveling Salesman Problem
This paper describes a generic branch‐and‐cut algorithm applicable to...
On Weak and Strong Kuhn–Tucker Conditions for Smooth Multiobjective Optimization
We consider a smooth multiobjective optimization problem with inequality constraints....
Multicriteria Engineering Optimization Problems: Statement, Solution and Applications
The majority of engineering optimization problems (design, identification, design of...
Optimality of E‐pseudoconvex multi‐objective programming problems without constraint qualifications
In this note, we consider the optimality criteria of multi‐objective...
Mehar’s method to find exact fuzzy optimal solution of unbalanced fully fuzzy multi‐objective transportation problems
To the best of our knowledge, till now there is no method described in literature to...
Parametric search and problem decomposition for approximating Pareto‐optimal paths
The multiobjective shortest path problem arises in many transportation and logistics...
Characterizations and applications of generalized invexity and monotonicity in Asplund spaces
In this paper, the concepts of invexity, monotonicity, and their generalizations in...
Bi‐criteria and tri‐criteria analysis to minimize maximum lateness makespan and resource consumption for scheduling a single machine
We analyze two single machine scheduling problems for the case where job processing...
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