Keyword: programming: multiple criteria

Found 1553 papers in total
Bayesian calculation of optimal burn-in time using the joint criteria of cost and delivered reliability
Burn-in is a quality control process used to minimize the warranty cost of a product...
Integrated technology selection for energy conservation and PAHs control in iron and steel industry: Methodology and case study
Energy conservation and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) control are two...
Convex Approximations of a Probabilistic Bicriteria Model with Disruptions
We consider a multiperiod system operation problem with two conflicting objectives,...
Joint spare parts inventory and reliability decisions under a service constraint
Reliability and inventory levels of spare parts are major factors that determine the...
Highway improvement project selection by the joint consideration of cost‐benefit and risk criteria
Since highway improvement project selection requires screening thousands of road...
Bilevel programming and price setting problems
This paper is devoted to pricing optimization problems which can be modeled as bilevel...
Asymptotic analysis in convex composite multiobjective optimization problems
In this paper, we present a unified approach for studying convex composite...
New fitness sharing approach for multi‐objective genetic algorithms
A novel fitness sharing method for MOGA (Multi‐Objective Genetic Algorithm) is...
Duality and a Characterization of Pseudoinvexity for Pareto and Weak Pareto Solutions in Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Programming
In this paper, we unify recent optimality results under directional derivatives by the...
An Element‐Free Galerkin‐Based Multi‐objective Optimization of Laminated Composite Plates
An element‐free Galerkin method is presented to analyze isotropic and laminated...
Air cargo scheduling: integrated models and solution procedures
Designing a profitable flight schedule is a highly complex planning problem. Both...
Linear optimizationwith multiple equitable criteria
The standard multiple criteria optimization starts with an assumption that the...
Choix multicritères dans le risqueet variables multidimensionnelles: proposition de méthode et applicationaux réseaux de transport d'énergie
This paper presents an application of Multiple Attribute Utility Theory on strategic...
On the calculation of stability radius for multi‐objective combinatorial optimization problems by inverse optimization
This paper deals with stability analysis in multi‐objective combinatorial...
Novel insights for multi‐objective optimisation in engineering using Normal Boundary Intersection and (Enhanced) Normalised Normal Constraint
Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) and (Enhanced) Normalised Normal Constraint (E)NNC...
Robust multidisciplinary UAS design optimisation
There are many applications in aeronautical/aerospace engineering where some values of...
Multi‐objective optimization by learning automata
This paper presents a novel method of multi‐objective optimization by learning...
Efficient multi‐objective tabu search for emergency equipment maintenance scheduling in disaster rescue
The paper describes a mathematical model of the emergency equipment maintenance...
Biobjective optimization for analytical target cascading: optimality vs. achievability
Analytical target cascading (ATC), a hierarchical, multilevel multidisciplinary...
New Approximation Assisted Multi‐objective collaborative Robust Optimization (new AA‐McRO) under interval uncertainty
Existing collaborative optimization techniques with multiple coupled subsystems are...
Bicriteria scheduling on a series‐batching machine to minimize maximum cost and makespan
This paper studies the bicriteria problem of scheduling n jobs on a...
A method for developing systems that traverse the Pareto frontiers of multiple system concepts through modularity
Natural changes in customer needs over time often necessitate the development of new...
Multi‐objective shape optimization of transonic airfoil sections using swarm intelligence and surrogate models
In this article, the optimization problem of designing transonic airfoil sections is...
Multiobjective topology optimization of truss structures with kinematic stability repair
This paper addresses single and multiobjective topology optimization of...
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