An Element‐Free Galerkin‐Based Multi‐objective Optimization of Laminated Composite Plates

An Element‐Free Galerkin‐Based Multi‐objective Optimization of Laminated Composite Plates

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Article ID: iaor20131976
Volume: 156
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 330
End Page Number: 344
Publication Date: Feb 2013
Journal: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: multiple criteria, heuristics: genetic algorithms

An element‐free Galerkin method is presented to analyze isotropic and laminated composite plates. This method employs the moving least square technique to approximate functions. In the analysis procedure, a collocation method is used to enforce boundary conditions. A consistent multi‐objective optimization procedure is also applied. The function introduced here consists of minimizing the weight and cost, as well as of maximizing the load. A genetic algorithm is used for the optimization process.


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