Keyword: location

Found 1042 papers in total
GPS‐based optimization of plug‐in hybrid electric vehicles’ power demands in a cold weather city
Using the WPG03 duty cycle developed from global positioning data collected in...
Solving Large p‐Median Problems with a Radius Formulation
By means of a model based on a set covering formulation, it is shown how the p...
Modeling interdependencies between vehicle transaction, residential relocation and job change
This paper introduces a vehicle transaction timing model which is conditional on...
Modeling the choice continuum: an integrated model of residential location, auto ownership, bicycle ownership, and commute tour mode choice decisions
The integrated modeling of land use and transportation choices involves analyzing a...
The Mobile Facility Routing Problem
In many applications, ranging from cellular communications to humanitarian relief...
GRASP with path‐relinking for the generalized quadratic assignment problem
The generalized quadratic assignment problem (GQAP) is a generalization of the...
The Dynamic Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem
This paper presents a dynamic (or multi‐period) hub location problem . It...
Location, Decentralization, and Knowledge Sources for Innovation
When firms seek to innovate, they must decide where to locate their innovation...
Inventory relocation for overlapping disaster settings in humanitarian operations
The number and scale of humanitarian operations has significantly increased during the...
Solving a continuous local access network design problem with a stabilized central column generation approach
In this paper, we focus on a variant of the multi‐source Weber problem. In the...
Political districting: from classical models to recent approaches
The political districting problem has been studied since the 60s and many different...
Modelling catchment areas for secondary care providers: a case study
Hospitals need to understand patient flows in an increasingly competitive health...
The personalization privacy paradox: An exploratory study of decision making process for location‐aware marketing
Despite the vast opportunities offered by location‐aware marketing (LAM),...
Regression‐fuzzy approach to land valuation
In this paper, we demonstrate that the fuzzy pricing model can improve regression...
Some Perspectives on Strategic Forest Management Models and the Forest Products Supply Chain
The modeling approach used by most organizations to do strategic wood supply analysis...
Analysis of a ‘cluster’ strategy for introducing hydrogen vehicles in Southern California
Hydrogen infrastructure strategy based on "clustering" early stations and vehicles....
Balancing the fit and logistics costs of market segmentations
Segments are typically formed to serve distinct groups of consumers with...
Location game on disjoint line segments
Two players are endowed with resources for setting up N locations on K line segments...
A simulated annealing heuristic for the dynamic layout problem with budget constraint
Facility layout problem has been extensively studied in the literature because the...
Concealing the position of individuals in location‐based services
The offering of location based services requires an in‐depth knowledge of the...
On duality and fractionality of multicommodity flows in directed networks
In this paper we address a topological approach to multiflow (multicommodity flow)...
Compressor scheduling in oil fields
In gas‐lifted oil fields, high pressure gas is injected at the bottom of the...
Analyzing the environmental impact of transportation in reengineered supply chains: A case study of a leather upholstery company
This paper examines the impact of process disaggregation and specialization on the...
A coupled multi‐agent microsimulation of social interactions and transportation behavior
Choice set formation, location and mode preferences, coordinated scheduling,...
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