Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Max-Cut Parameterized Above the Edwards-Erdos Bound
We study the boundary of tractability for the Max‐Cut problem in graphs. Our...
k-Chordal Graphs: From Cops and Robber to Compact Routing via Treewidth
Cops and robber games , introduced by Winkler and Nowakowski (in Discrete Math....
Parameterized Algorithms for the 2-Clustering Problem with Minimum Sum and Minimum Sum of Squares Objective Functions
In the Min‐Sum 2‐Clustering problem, we are given a graph and a...
D2-Tree: A New Overlay with Deterministic Bounds
We present a new overlay, called the Deterministic Decentralized tree ( D 2...
Program Size and Temperature in Self-Assembly
Winfree’s abstract Tile Assembly Model is a model of molecular...
A direct search method for unconstrained quantile-based simulation optimization
Simulation optimization has gained popularity over the decades because of its ability...
A pool-based pattern generation algorithm for logical analysis of data with automatic fine-tuning
In this paper, we address the binary classification problem, in which one is given a...
A bilevel formulation of the pediatric vaccine pricing problem
We consider the characterization of optimal pricing strategies for a pediatric vaccine...
Shape optimization for tumor location
In non‐invasive thermal diagnostics, accurate correlations between the thermal...
A new approach for ranking nonnormal p-norm trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
Ranking of fuzzy numbers play an important role in decision-making, optimization,...
A numerical algorithm based on a variational iterative approximation for the discrete Hamilton‐Jacobi‐Bellman (HJB) equation
This paper presents a numerical algorithm based on a variational iterative...
Solving the Multidisciplinary Robust Parameter Design Problem for Mixed Type Quality Characteristics under Asymmetric Conditions
Quality practitioners often identify robust parameter design (RPD) as one of the most...
Vector connectivity in graphs
Motivated by challenges related to domination, connectivity, and information...
Min‐max control problems via occupational measures
We propose a linearized formulation for min–max control problems with separated...
A new analytical method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems
In this paper, we introduce a new analytic technique for a class of nonlinear optimal...
An approximate method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems
This paper presents a novel computational approach to generate the suboptimal...
Feedback controller design for linear and a class of nonlinear optimal control problems
This paper presents a feedback controller designing approach for a large class of...
Minimizing control energy in a class of bounded-control linear-quadratic regulator problems
Minimal‐control‐energy strategies are substantiated and illustrated for...
On the use of gradual dense‐sparse discretizations in receding horizon control
A key factor to success in implementations of real time optimal control, such as...
Improving integral square error performance with implementable fractional-order PI controllers
In this paper, an algebraic rule for tuning the integer realizations of...
Influence of a new discrete-time LQR-based motion cueing on driving simulator
This study proposes a method and an experimental validation to analyze dynamics...
Robust constrained economic receding horizon control applied to the two time-scale dynamics problem of a greenhouse
This paper discusses the formulation of an optimal control framework for a two...
Single network adaptive critic aided dynamic inversion for optimal regulation and command tracking with online adaptation for enhanced robustness
To combine the advantages of both stability and optimality‐based designs, a...
Closed-form solutions of a fishery harvesting model with state constraint
We derive a closed‐form solution for a well‐known fisheries harvesting...
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