Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
A study of concurrent decision-making protocols in the design of a metal cutting tool using monotonicity arguments
In this paper, the objective is to study game-theoretic approaches for concurrent...
Shape optimization with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Target error selection strategies
The multi-point approximation method in conjunction with Adaptive Mesh Refinement...
Minimum-weight design of compressively loaded stiffened panels for postbuckling response
A computationally efficient procedure, NLPANOPT, is developed for the optimal design...
Sparse matrix algorithm for minimum weight design of large structures
Exploiting the zeros inside the sparse global stiffness matrix of a large space...
A quasi-Monte Carlo method for multicriteria design optimization
The Quasi-Random Weighed Criteria method is proposed for multicriteria design...
Distributed computation of Pareto solutions in n-player games
The problem of computing Pareto optimal solutions with distributed algorithms is...
Enhanced genetic operators for the resolution of discrete constrained optimization problems
The behavior of the Crossover and Mutation Operators on candidate solutions to any...
An interior point algorithm for a non-linear programming problem
In this paper, we develop and analyze a new approach, inspired by interior points and...
Retailer's pricing and lot sizing policy for exponentially deteriorating products under the condition of permissible delay in payments
This article deals with the problem of determining the retailer's optimal price and...
A single facility minisum location problem under the A-distance
We consider a single facility location problem under the A -distance with respect to...
Optimizing distributed join queries: A genetic algorithm approach
Optimizing join queries is a major problem in distributed database systems,...
Multicriteria optimization of anti-lock braking system control algorithms
Controller design for vehicle anti-lock brake systems (ABS) requires consideration of...
Effective scaling procedures for approximate structural optimization
Improved approximations of displacements and stresses, achieved by the following types...
A review of optimisation models of Kanban-based production systems
This paper deals with the Kanban method of production control used initially by Toyota...
An analysis on genetic algorithms using Markov processes with rewards
Genetic algorithms (GAs) can be regarded as Markov processes. In this paper, we...
A linear-time algorithm for determining the order of moving products in reallocation problems
The reallocation problem is defined as determining whether products can be moved from...
A variational-type inequality and Minty’s like lemma
A variational-type inequality in a reflexive real Banach space is studied and a...
An environmental life cycle optimization model for the European pulp and paper industry
Will paper recycling reduce the environmental impact of the European pulp and paper...
An extended penalty function approach to the numerical solution of constrained optimal control problems
This paper presents the extended penalty function method for solving constrained...
On the existence of touch points for first-order state inequality constraints
The appearance of touch points in state-constrained optimal control problems with...
Gradient flow approach to LQ cost improvement for simultaneous stabilization problem
In this paper, the authors consider LQ cost optimization for the simultaneous...
The minimum-weight ideal problem for signed posets
The concept of signed poset has recently been introduced by V. Reiner as a...
Local and superlinear convergence of structured quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear optimization
This paper is concerned with local and q- superlinear convergence of structured...
Identifying the best manufacturing cell problem
In the design of cell manufacturing, the problem of identifying the vest manufacturing...
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