Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
Analysing the operational risks in supply chain by using weighted interpretive structure modelling technique
Risk in the context of supply chain management plays an important role. Risk...
Is simulation in health different?
It is often stated that health simulation is quite different and even that it is more...
An agent-based model to study the market dynamics of perpetual and subscription licensing
This paper examines the market dynamics between two competing pricing strategies...
Stabilization of differential repetitive processes
Differential repetitive processes are a subclass of 2D systems that arise in modeling...
Threshold models of mutual insurance
Game‐theoretic models of mutual insurance are considered. Here a player chooses...
Quantifying the direct social and governmental costs of illegal logging in the Bolivian, Brazilian, and Peruvian Amazon
Illegal logging is a major threat to the long‐term sustainability of the forest...
A correlated overflow model with a view towards applications in credit risk
In this paper we present and explicitly solve a specific multi‐dimensional,...
A cash flow-oriented EOQ model of deteriorating items with increasing demand rate and shortages under permissible delay in payment
This study presents an inventory model to determine an optimal ordering policy for...
Modelling successive generations for products-in-use and number of products sold in the market
As most of the high‐technology companies are trying to be more demand driven,...
Using a stages of change approach to explore opportunities for increasing bicycle commuting
Given the potential benefits of bicycling to the environment, the economy, and public...
The effect of railway local irregularities on ground vibration
The environmental effects of ground‐borne vibrations generated due to localised...
Modeling household energy consumption behavior: A comparative analysis
Household decisions on the energy consumption behavior are with regard to the...
Continuity of care in community midwifery
Continuity of care is often critical in delivering high quality health care. However,...
Definition of optimal fleets for Sea Motorways: the case of France and Spain on the Atlantic coast
This work introduces an optimisation model to define the technical and operative...
Bi-level control of degraded machining system with two unreliable servers, multiple standbys, startup and vacation
This investigation deals with bi‐level (N, L) switch over policy for...
A Markovian inventory system with retrial and impatient customers
We consider an inventory system in which the customers who arrive during the stock out...
Performance and cost analysis of repairable systems under imperfect repair
Operating systems do not consistently perform their intended function or mission due...
Passive cold devices for vaccine supply chains
A major priority in many low and middle income countries is the eradication of...
Modeling the impact of donor behavior on humanitarian aid operations
Whether in‐kind or cash, coordinated help organizations such as the American...
Predictability of Equity Models
In this study, we verify the existence of predictability in the Brazilian equity...
The effect analysis of multi-echelon inventory models considering demand rate uncertainty and limited maintenance capacity
Multi‐echelon technique for recoverable item control (METRIC) has...
Machine cell formation: using genetic algorithm-based heuristic considering alternative route
In this paper, genetic algorithm‐based heuristic is proposed to solve the cell...
Production inventory model with defective items and integrates cost reduction delivery policy
This paper integrates a cost reduction delivery policy and quality assurance into a...
Analysis of bulk retrial queue using maximum entropy principle
In the present investigation, we study the maximum entropy principle (MEP)...
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