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Keyword: simulation
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Mode locking and chaos in a deterministic queueing model with feedback
Ackere Ann van
We consider a simple, deterministic queueing system with feedback, which exhibits the...
Comparing simulation methods for modelling the errors of stand inventory data
Haara Arto
Forest management planning requires information about the uncertainty inherent in the...
Reliability analysis of a two-unit standby system by computer simulation
Jankovi Slobodanka
We study the two-unit standby system with repair and with preventive maintenance....
Still flowing: approaches to traffic flow and traffic jam modeling
Nagel Kai
Certain aspects of traffic flow measurements imply the existence of a phase...
A new measure of irregularity of distribution and quasi-Monte Carlo methods for global optimization
Wang Xiaoqun
Measures of irregularity of distribution, such as discrepancy and dispersion, play a...
Adaptive random search in quasi-Monte Carlo methods for global optimization
Lei Guiyuan
Quasi-Monte Carlo random search is useful in nondifferentiable optimization. Borrowing...
Effects of an afternoon nap on nighttime alertness and performance in long-haul drivers
Macchi M. Mila
The effects of an afternoon nap on alertness and psychomotor performance were assessed...
Reducing bias in probe-based arterial link travel time estimates
Fu Liping
The use of probe vehicles to provide estimates of link travel times has been suggested...
A heuristic method for effectively using frequent flyer miles for stochastic business trips
Suzuki Yoshinori
Today, many business firms are requiring employees to use the frequent flyer miles...
Polychromatic sets and its application in simulating complex objects and systems
Xu Li Da
In recent years, polychromatic sets have emerged as a promising approach for...
Enhanced possibilities for analyzing tree structure as provided by an interface between different modelling systems
Dzierzon Helge
In recent years, many different advanced mathematical models and simulation systems...
Initialization for the Normal To Anything approach: Generation of random vectors with specified marginals and correlations
Chen Huifen
We propose a specific method for generating n -dimensional random vectors with given...
Inducing performance in a queue via prices: The case of a riverine port
Dasgupta Ani
To optimize large-scale queuing systems configurations, OR professionals typically use...
The effect of incentive schemes and organizational arrangements on the new product development process
Natter Martin
This paper proposes a new model for studying the new product development process in an...
Groundwater cleanup: The optimization perspective (a literature review)
Cunha Maria Da Conceio
Contamination of groundwater resources is becoming a serious environmental problem....
A multiple attribute utility theory approach to ranking and selection
Morrice Douglas J.
Managers of large industrial projects often measure performance by multiple...
Variance reduction techniques for estimating value-at-risk
Heidelberger Philip
This paper describes, analyzes and evaluates an algorithm for estimating portfolio...
The impact of forecasting model selection on the value of information sharing in a supply chain
Zhao Xiande
This paper presents a study on the impact of forecasting model selection on the value...
Optimizing color picture tubes by high-cost nonlinear programming
Hertog Dick den
In this paper we discuss the application of optimization techniques for the design of...
Group-based optimization of a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model for area traffic control
Wong S.C.
In this paper, a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model is developed for the evaluation...
Creating high-frequency national accounts with state-space modelling: A Monte Carlo experiment
Hall S.G.
This paper assesses a new technique for producing high-frequency data from lower...
Forecasting sales of slow and fast moving inventories
Snyder Ralph
Traditional computerised inventory control systems usually rely on exponential...
Deterministic versus stochastic sensitivity analysis in investment problems: An environmental case study
Kleijnen Jack P.C.
Sensitivity analysis in investment problems is an important tool to determine which...
Modelling of aircraft rotation in a multiple airport environment
Caves Robert E.
The objective of this paper is to develop a simulation model to simulate aircraft...
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