Keyword: networks: flow

Found 611 papers in total
Dynamic milk-run OEM operations in over-congested traffic conditions
Dynamic vehicle routing problems have received increasing attention in the literature...
Social Network based sensitivity analysis for patient flow using computer simulation
Prediction of patient flow, an essential element of any healthcare system, is...
Efficient algorithms for the maximum concurrent flow problem
In this article, we propose a generic decomposition scheme for the maximum concurrent...
A compact linear programming formulation of the maximum concurrent flow problem
We present an alternative linear programming formulation of the maximum concurrent...
Evasive flow capture: Optimal location of weigh-in-motion systems, tollbooths, and security checkpoints
The flow‐capturing problem (FCP) consists of locating facilities to maximize...
Application of temporal difference learning rules in short-term traffic flow prediction
Studying dynamic behaviours of a transportation system requires the use of the system...
A network traffic flow model for motorway and urban highways
The research reported in this paper develops a network‐level traffic flow model...
A model for evaluating the environmental and functional benefits of ‘innovative’ roundabouts
This study looks at the singling out of a multi‐parameter criterion for...
PTAS for routing-cost constrained minimum connected dominating set in growth bounded graphs
Connected dominating set ( CDS ) has played an important role in building virtual...
Definition of optimal fleets for Sea Motorways: the case of France and Spain on the Atlantic coast
This work introduces an optimisation model to define the technical and operative...
A logistics model for the transport of disaster victims with various injuries and survival probabilities
We propose an optimization model for patient delivery and medical resource allocation...
Transfer Implementation in Congestion Games
We study an implementation problem faced by a planner who can influence selfish...
Improved max-flow min-cut algorithms in a Circular Disk Failure Model with application to a road network
In the evaluation of network reliability, the objectives are to model reliability of...
Multiple-path selection for new highway alignments using discrete algorithms
This paper addresses the problem of finding multiple near‐optimal,...
A flow-dependent quadratic steiner tree problem in the Euclidean plane
We introduce a flow‐dependent version of the quadratic Steiner tree problem in...
Exact algorithms for solving a Euclidean maximum flow network interdiction problem
We consider an interdiction problem that involves an operator (or defender) whose goal...
Substitutes, complements, and ripples in multicommodity flows on suspension graphs
We examine in this article when it is possible to predict, without numerical...
Single network adaptive critic aided dynamic inversion for optimal regulation and command tracking with online adaptation for enhanced robustness
To combine the advantages of both stability and optimality‐based designs, a...
Investigating the impact of access-timing-sizing regulations on urban logistics
Freight regulations (e.g., vehicle timing, sizing and access restrictions)...
Developments and prospects of freight railway transport in Northern Germany: a Delphi survey
Despite the fact that Germany has a well expanded traffic infrastructure, it confronts...
Solving the parametric bipartite maximum flow problem in unbalanced and closure bipartite graphs
Given a directed bipartite graph G = ( V , E ) with a node set V = { s } ∪ V 1...
A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Small Integral Flows
We present a new approach to the minimum‐cost integral flow problem for small...
Angle-Restricted Steiner Arborescences for Flow Map Layout
We introduce a new variant of the geometric Steiner arborescence problem, motivated by...
Dynamic output feedback of networked control systems with partially known Markov chain packet dropouts
In this paper, a class of networked control systems with output feedback control and H...
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