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Keyword: measurement
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Measuring performance in the presence of stochastic demand for hospital services: an analysis of Belgian general care hospitals
Smet Mike
Since demand for hospital services is subject to substantial variability, the...
Skill based optimised aiming in darts
Aitkenhead Matthew
During a game of darts, the aim of a player during the main part of the game is to...
Policing performance: The impact of performance measures and targets on police forces in England and Wales
Loveday Barry
This paper considers the impact of performance management and the application of...
Probability distribution function for damage expectancy
Gallagher Mark A.
When the military units plan precise engagements with limited assets, the commander...
Proposed Network Centric Warfare (NCW) metrics: from connectivity to the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide and Act) cycle
Kruzins Ed
The OR profession has been grappling with the problem of developing metrics to...
An analytical approach for constructing and measuring concepts
Curtis N.J.
Conceptual models are a necessary component of strategic thinking as they provide a...
Evolutionary theory of routine: its role in results-based management
Rivenbark William C.
Research has demonstrated that public organizations commonly adopt performance...
Implementing the balanced scorecard using the analytic hierarchy process and the analytic network process
Leung L.C.
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a multi-attribute evaluation concept that highlights...
Evaluating Fair Trade as a development project: methodological considerations
Paul Elisabeth
This article identifies the need for an appropriate methodology for evaluating Fair...
Performance measurement using data envelopment analysis and financial statement analysis
Ho Chien-Ta Bruce
This paper is an analysis of performance measurement in some of Taiwan's electronic...
A model and a performance measurement system for collaborative supply chains
Angelides Marios C.
Modeling the constituents of a collaborative supply chain, the key parameters they...
ABC inventory classification with multiple-criteria using weighted linear optimization
Ramanathan Ramakrishnan
Inventory classification using ABC analysis is one of the most widely employed...
Men and measures: capturing knowledge requirements in firms through qualitative system modelling
Swart J.
Knowledge Management (KM) is an issue of great and increasing importance in most if...
The value of different customer satisfaction and loyalty metrics in predicting business Performance
Morgan Neil A.
Managers commonly use customer feedback data to set goals and monitor performance on...
Factors affecting technical efficiency among coffee farmers in Côte d'Ivoire: Evidence from the centre west region
Binam Joachim Nyemeck
This paper presents measures of technical efficiency for a sample of 81 peasant...
Measuring bank operations performance: an approach based on Grey Relation Analysis
Ho Chien-Ta
The aim of this paper is to use a new approach of performance evaluation, Grey...
Towards a multi-criteria approach for priority setting: An application to Ghana
Baltussen Rob
Background: Many criteria have been proposed to guide priority setting in health, but...
Evaluating the effects of parking policy measures in nature areas
Beunen Raoul
Parking policy measures are widely used to manage cars in nature areas. Only with data...
Estimating the cycle time of three-stage material handling systems
Kim Kap Hwan
Because of high investment costs, the productivity of material handling systems must...
Transit passenger origin–destination estimation in congested transit networks with elastic line frequencies
Lam W.H.K.
This paper deals with the transit passenger origin–destination (O–D)...
Measuring the performances of decision-making units using interval efficiencies
Yang Jian-Bo
Efficiency is a relative measure because it can be measured within different ranges....
A scorecard for measuring the water supply utility performance: the case of large Indian metropolises
Kulshrestha Mukul
This paper reviews the various international benchmarking efforts undertaken in the...
A methodology for the design of quasi-optimal monitoring networks for lakes and reservoirs
Jimnez Nstor
A methodology for designing data collection networks in lakes and reservoirs is...
Reconceptualizing system usage: An approach and empirical test
Straub Detmar W.
Although DeLone, McLean, and others insist that system usage is a key variable in...
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