Journal: Interfaces

Found 1286 papers in total
Accelerating the profitability of Hewlett-Packard's supply chains
Hewlett-Packard (HP) developed a standard and common process analysis coupled with...
Decision Making with Insight
People skills: change management tools – the modern leadership model
This is the third in a series of columns about some of the most effective models,...
A consulting firm uses constraint programming to plan personnel-review meetings
A medium-sized consulting firm uses constraint programming to plan its annual meetings...
Implementing a production schedule at LKAB's Kiruna Mine
LKAB's Kiruna Mines, located in northern Sweden, produces about 24 million tons of...
Inventory decisions in Dell's supply chain
The Tauber Manufacturing Institute (TMI) is a partnership between the engineering and...
The slab-design problem in the steel industry
Planners in the steel industry design a set of steel slabs to satisfy the order book...
Developing strategies for Maritrans' business units
After the Pollution Act of 1990 mandated early retirement for all large single-hulled...
Preferred scenarios in the sport of curling
In the sport of curling, participants continually debate this question: In the latter...
UPS optimizes its air network
Operations research specialists at UPS and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
Menlo Worldwide Forwarding optimizes its network routing
Since 2000, Menlo Worldwide Forwarding (formerly Emery Worldwide) has faced a...
The Canadian Pacific Railway transforms operations by using models to develop its operating plans
North American railways have traditionally practiced tonnage-based dispatching,...
Metrics for managing online procurement auctions
Metrics can improve firms' ability to manage online procurement auctions. A key factor...
Decision rules for the Academy Awards versus those for elections
Many researchers have evaluated various decision rules to determine how well they...
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization
Allocating vendor risks in the Hanford waste cleanup
Organizations may view outsourcing as a way to manage risk. We developed a...
Opti-Money at Bank Hapoalim: a model-based invesment decision-support system for individual customers
Opti-Money is a decision-support system for allocating assets that was developed at...
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