Journal: Automation and Remote Control

Found 731 papers in total
The levenberg-marquardt method for approximation of solutions of irregular operator equations
An ill‐posed problem is considered in the form of a nonlinear operator equation...
External estimates of the reachability sets of nonlinear controlled systems
Consideration was given to formation of the external estimates of the reachability...
Injection of the maximal payload under random perturbations of parameters
Consideration was given to determination of the maximal mass of the payload that can...
Control reconstruction in hyperbolic systems
We consider an inverse dynamics problem which is to reconstruct a priori unknown...
Approximating sets on a plane with optimal sets of circles
We study optimal networks on a plane. We generalize the Chebyshev center of a set on...
On a problem of perturbation restoration in stochastic differential equation
The problem of restoration of an unknown deterministic perturbation in the stochastic...
On scheduling credited projects
Consideration was given to scheduling investment projects with regard for possible use...
Extragradient method of optimal control with terminal constraints
For the case where the objective function is minimized over part of the set of...
On a parallel procedure for constructing the Bellman function in the generalized problem of courier with internal jobs
Consideration was given to a scheme for solving the extremal routing problem...
Finding flow equilibrium with projective methods with decomposition and route generation
To solve asymmetric traffic equilibrium problems, we propose to apply projective...
Operating algorithm and hardware implementation of sinusoidal signal parameter measurer in generator excitation circuits
A certain algorithm and hardware implementation used to measure current and voltage...
Level measurement using radar level gauges
Modern methods to measure levels of various products within tanks are briefly...
Methodology of designing adaptive supervisory control system for railway freight terminals
The paper discusses the methodology of designing an adaptive supervisory control...
Information-measuring and control system for complex tests of complicated technical objects
Special features in building information‐measuring and control system (IMCS)...
Object-attribute architecture for design and modeling of distributed automation systems
The application of the object‐attribute (OA) architecture of computing...
Building communication channels for mobile robot control: The implementation experience
Nowadays mobile robots become loaded with information. The application conditions need...
Modified lagrange functionals to solve the variational and quasivariational inequalities of mechanics
Consideration was given to the methods of solving the model problem with friction and...
On payload insertion to the given point
Consideration was given to the problem of optimal program control of the launcher...
Comparative analysis of the extragradient methods for solution of the variational inequalities of some problems
Consideration was given to the extragradient methods for solution of the variational...
Forecasting credit portfolio components with a Markov chain model
We consider the forecasting problem for components of a bank’s credit portfolio,...
Synthesis of an active compensation algorithm for elastic oscillations with nonstationary parameters for deformable spacecrafts
We consider the possibility to use filtering algorithms for joint estimation of the...
The computation algorithm of capacity indices of the telecommunication networks with repeated transmissions
The results are presented of the investigation of an approximate method for the...
Parallel design of robust control in the stochastic environment (the two-armed bandit problem)
The problem of rational behavior in the stochastic environment, also known as the two...
Structural properties of the scale-free Barabasi-Albert graph
Consideration was given to the scale‐free Barabasi‐Albert graph...
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