Journal: ORSA Journal On Computing

Found 33 papers in total
A double-layered learning approach to acquiring rules for classification: Integrating genetic algorithms with similarity-based learning
In this paper, we describe a machine learning technique based on a double-layered...
A computational study of satisfiability algorithms for propositional logic
We implement several recent algorithms for the satisfiability problem in propositional...
Consistency in valuation-based systems
This paper has three main results. First, we present a new computational technique for...
A structured expert system for model management in inventory control
The focus of this paper is on the expert system design for inventory control model...
Complexity of hierarchical trees in evidence theory
In this article we propose a structure called hierarchical tree to reduce the...
An E P algorithm for computing a minimum weight perfect matching for a set of points on the plane
Given a graph induced by an even number of points on the plane, the minimum weight...
Fast clustering algorithms
This paper considers the problem of partitioning the vertices of a weighted complete...
On the complexity of the policy improvement algorithm for Markov decision processes
We consider the complexity of the policy improvement algorithm for Markov decision...
Primary and secondary route selection in backbone computer networks
This paper addresses the problem of selecting primary and secondary routes for every...
Design of performance constrained optic fiber multidrop access networks
Propagation delay may not be negligible in comparison to transmission times in high...
A staged primal–dual algorithm for finding a minimum cost perfect two-matching in an undirected graph
We describe an algorithm for finding a minimum cost perfect two-matching in a weighted...
A numerical method for controlled routing in large trunk line networks via stochastic control theory
The paper discusses a powerful approach to the routing problem in large networks of...
The application of metamodeling to interconnection network analysis
Metamodeling is demonstrated as a methodology to accurately and concisely characterize...
Visualization and optimization
Research in optimization has developed faster and faster algorithms that have analyzed...
Tabu search for general zero-one integer programs using the pivot and complement heuristic
Tabu search techniques have been applied to a wide class of optimization problems....
The reactive Tabu search
We propose an algorithm for combinatorial optimization where an explicit check for the...
Genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization: The assembly line balancing problem
Genetic algorithms are one example of the use of a random element within an algorithm...
Preprocessing and probing techniques for mixed integer programming problems
In the first part of the paper, we present a framework for describing basic techniques...
Interior point methods for linear programming: Computational state of the art
A survey of the significant developments in the field of interior point methods for...
Numerical factorization methods for interior point algorithms
Interior point algorithms for linear programming acheive significant reductions in...
On exploiting original problem data in the inverse representation of linear programming bases
A method for handling the inverse of linear programming bases is presented. The method...
CONOPT – a large scale GRG code
CONOPT is a generalized reduced-gradient (GRG) algorithm for solving large-scale...
A Newton based radius reduction algorithm for nearest point problems in Pos cones
We develop an interior point algorithm for finding the nearest point in Pos cones to a...
Parallel tabu search techniques for the job shop scheduling problem
We apply the global optimization technique called tabu search to the job shop...
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