Consistency in valuation-based systems

Consistency in valuation-based systems

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Article ID: iaor19982339
Country: United States
Volume: 6
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 281
End Page Number: 291
Publication Date: Jun 1994
Journal: ORSA Journal On Computing
Keywords: artificial intelligence: decision support, programming: dynamic

This paper has three main results. First, we present a new computational technique for checking for inconsistencies in valuation-based systems. This technique is different from the implicit enumeration method of Davis–Putnam and its variants. Our technique uses the divide-and-conquer method of dynamic programming. The computational complexity of this technique depends on the sizes of the valuations and on the graphical structure of the valuation-based system. Second, if a valuation-based system is consistent, we describe a method for generating a model for the system, i.e. an assignment of values for each variable that is consistent with each valuation in the system. Third, if a valuation-based system is inconsistent, we describe a method for isolating a minimal inconsistent set of valuations.


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