Tabu search for general zero-one integer programs using the pivot and complement heuristic

Tabu search for general zero-one integer programs using the pivot and complement heuristic

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Article ID: iaor19982428
Country: United States
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 82
End Page Number: 93
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: ORSA Journal On Computing
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization

Tabu search techniques have been applied to a wide class of optimization problems. Tabu search is a meta procedure that requires a subroutine to find local optima. In most examples of tabu search the subroutine used is problem specific. However, in order to apply tabu search successfully to general 0-1 integer programs, the subroutine must be general. The pivot and complement heuristic is a procedure that frequently finds feasible solutions for general 0-1 integer programs. In this paper we implement several elements of strategies proposed by tabu search method that result in general heuristics for 0-1 integer programs that could be included in an integer programming code. These heuristics employ the ZOOM/XMP implementation of the pivot and complement heuristic as a subroutine. Computational results indicate that these heuristics provide good bounds for many problems.


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