Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis

Found 244 papers in total
On a multilevel controlled bulk queueing system MX/Gr, R/1l.
The authors introduce and study a class of bulk queueing systems with a compound...
A first passage problem and its applications to the analysis of a class of stochastic models
A problem of the first passage of a cumulative random process with general distributed...
On the distribution of the number of vertices in layers of random trees
Denote by the set of all distinct rooted trees with n labeled vertices. A tree is...
Conditional limit theorems for branching processes
Let be a branching process in which each individual reproduces independently of the...
An asymptotic optimal design
The problem of designing an experiment to estimate the product of the means of two...
On a probability problem connected with railway traffic
Let and be the empirical distribution functions of two independent samples, each of...
Stability of Volterra system with impulsive effect
Sufficient conditions for uniform stability and uniform asymptotic stability of...
Weighted norms and Volterra integral equations in Lp spaces
A new simple proof of existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Volterra integral...
Nonlinear evolution equations on Banach space
This paper considers the questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions of certain...
The computation of stationary distributions of Markov chains through perturbations
An algorithmic procedure for the determination of the stationary distribution of a...
Relative stability and weak convergence in non-decreasing stochastically monotone Markov chains
Let { ξ n } be a non-decreasing stochastically monotone Markov chain whose...
On modulated random measures
In this paper the author introduces the notion of a modulated marked random measure, ,...
Markov chains with transition delta-matrix: Ergodicity conditions, invariant probability measures and applications
A large class of Markov chains with so-called - and -transition matrices...
On network flow equations and splitting formulas for sojourn times in queueing networks
Lemoine’s network flow equations are generalized to the case of multiserver...
Neural networks with memory
This paper is divided into four parts. Part 1 contains a survey of three neural...
The non-parameter penalty function method in constrained optimal control problems
This paper is concerned with the generalization, numerical implementation and testing...
Existence and uniqueness theorems for a third-order generalized boundary value problem
Let f:[0,1]×ℝ 3 ⇒ℝ be a function satisfying...
A existence theorem for nonlinear delay differential equations
In this paper, a theorem on the existence of solutions of nonlinear delay differential...
Periodic boundary value problems of first and second order differential equations
Recently the method of upper and lower solutions coupled with the Lyapunov-Schmidt...
Large scale singularly perturbed boundary value problems
In this paper an alternative approach to the method of asymptotic expansions for the...
Nonlinear second order system of Neumann boundary value problem at resonance
Let f:[0,;]× R N ⇒ R N , (N≥1) satisfying Carathéodory...
Nonlinear boundary value problems for first order impulsive integro-differential equations
The paper investigates a class of first order impulsive integro-differential equations...
Monotone method for first order singular systems with boundary conditions
Existence of maximal and minimal solutions are proved for the first order singular...
Solutions of nonstandard initial value problems for a first order ordinary differential equation
Differential equations of the form y'=f(t,y,y'), where f is not necessarily linear in...
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