Journal: Transportation Planning and Technology

Found 17 papers in total
A heuristic model for frequency planning and aircraft routing in small size airlines
The flight schedule of an airline is the primary factor in finding the most effective...
Fuzzy inference approach to the flow management problem in Air Traffic Control
In the last few years congestion has appeared in some elements of the Air Traffic...
Traffic signal installation by the Expert System using fuzzy set theory for inexact reasoning
To assist traffic managers in evaluating whether a traffic signal is needed at an...
A simulated annealing technique approach to the vehicle routing problem in the case of stochastic demand
Research work dealing with the vehicle routing problem has not paid adequate attention...
Route choice in the presence of information using concepts from fuzzy control and approximate reasoning
The need for realistic route choice models has become essential in light of the...
Estimating an origin-destination matrix with fuzzy weights. Part I: Methodology
In spite of the extensive amount of work performed on origin-destination (O/D)...
Fuzzy mathematical programming for traffic safety planning on an urban expressway
Traffic safety planning has received increased attention because a number of accidents...
Priority berthing for congested ports: Rationale and a model
Adverse effects on a national economy of port congestion are identified. The rationale...
Optimizing the utilization of space in a congested corridor: The pilgrimage to Mekka
Transporting pilgrims at Mekka (Saudi Arabia) has been a major concern to the local...
A routing and scheduling method in considering trade-off between the user’s and the operator’s objectives
A routing and scheduling model is proposed for the one depot, multi-vehicle,...
Model for operational daily airline scheduling
Perturbations in carrying out a schedule are occurrences which happen from time to...
An approach to the simulation of bus passenger journey times for the journey to work
Bus passenger journey times in the morning peak period are simulated. Using estimates...
Terminal area capacity model-A problem concerning air traffic controller workload
The ultimate capacity of air traffic control sectors can be expressed by a maximum...
A Decision Support System for a developing country railway
A Decision Support System for evaluating investment proposals for a developing country...
Optimization of transport investment and pricing policies: The role of transport pricing in network design
This paper investigates the role of transport pricing in network design and describes...
Route choice behavior in transportation-An application of the multiattribute utility theorem
Route choice behavior in transportation is an important issue of travel demand...
On the optimal width of pedestrian corridors
This paper analyses a pedestrian corridor representative of airport terminal piers,...
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