Optimization analysis for design and planning of multi-project programs

Optimization analysis for design and planning of multi-project programs

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Article ID: iaor19992291
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 107
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 492
End Page Number: 506
Publication Date: Jun 1998
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: scheduling, programming: parametric

Program management concerns the long term planning, coordination, and control of major technological, engineering, scientific, and/or developmental activities. In general, programs tend to be exceptionally large, consisting of several parallel or sequential projects or groups of projects. While a large number of modeling efforts have focused at the project level, this paper looks at the application of optimization techniques to the initial design and development of multi-project programs. The classic work breakdown structure is used as a framework to provide an aggregate model to investigate the effects of funding levels, resource allocation, and program, project, and component durations. Decomposition, sensitivity analysis, and parametric programming are utilized to provide the decision maker detailed information for establishing program parameters, conditions, and bounds.


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