Journal: American Naturalist

Found 31 papers in total
Mate-choice copying as Bayesian decision making
Mate-choice copying by females has been reported in fishes (e.g., guppies) and lekking...
Theory for designing nature reserves for single species
We examine the question of the optimal number of reserves that should be established...
Reserve selection using nonlinear species distribution models
Reserve design is concerned with optimal selection of sites for new conservation...
Optimization, conflict, and non-overlapping foraging ranges in ants
An organism's foraging range depends on the behavior of neighbors, the dynamics of...
Least-cost input mixtures of water and nitrogen for photosynthesis
In microeconomics, a standard framework is used for determining the optimal input mix...
Timing games in the reproductive phenology of female Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)
We use a game-theoretic framework to investigate the reproductive phenology of female...
Escape from Prisoner's Dilemma in RNA phage Phi6
We previously examined competitive interactions among viruses by allowing the RNA...
Dynamic versus instantaneous models of diet choice
We investigate the dynamics of a series of two-prey–one-predator models in which...
Traffic dynamics of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta cephalotes
Colonies of Atta cephalotes (Myrmicinae: Formicidae) construct cleared paths between...
Using ‘travel time’ data to characterize the behavior of migrating animals
For migratory species, duration of migration, or ‘travel time’, is often a...
The regulation of foraging activity in red harvester ant colonies
Behavioral plasticity in social insects is intriguing because colonies adjust to...
Dispersal: Risk spreading versus local adaptation
I investigate how risk spreading in stochastic environments and adaptation to...
Habitat selection by two competing species in a two-habitat environment
We present a theoretical study of habitat selection strategies for two species that...
Cluster analysis of spatial patterns in Malaysian tree species
Tree species in tropical rain forests exhibit a rich panoply of spatial patterns that...
The continuous prisoner's dilemma and the evolution of cooperation through reciprocal altruism with variable investment
Understanding the evolutionary origin and persistence of cooperative behavior is a...
Mate-search efficiency can determine the evolution of separate sexes and the stability of hermaphroditism in animals
Limited availability of mating partners has been proposed as an explanation for the...
The effect of dominance on food hoarding: A game theoretical model
Many food hoarding animals live in small groups structured by rank. The presence of...
Simulation models of the interactions between herbivore foraging strategies, social behavior, and plant community dynamics
Herbivory often operates through a feedback in which herbivores affect the success and...
Alternative food, switching predators, and the persistence of predator–prey systems
Sigmoid functional responses may arise from a variety of mechanisms, one of which is...
Can females gain extra paternal investment by mating with multiple males? A game theoretic approach
Although females may require only one mating to become inseminated, many female...
Complex mate searching in the satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
Mate-choice studies typically focus on male traits affecting female mating decisions,...
Evolutionarily stable strategies for consuming a structured resource
A general consumer-resource model assuming discrete consumers and a continuously...
Optimal floating and queueing strategies: The logic of territory choice
This is a response to a recent article by Hanna Kokko and William J. Sutherland, who...
Daily patterns of optimal producer and scrounger use under predation hazard: A state-dependent dynamic game analysis
Feeding in groups often gives rise to joining: feeding from other's discoveries. The...
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