Journal: American Naturalist

Found 31 papers in total
Predator and prey models with flexible individual behavior and imperfect information
To begin identifying what behavioral details might be needed to characterize community...
Geometrical games between a host and a parasitoid
Avoiding detection by parasitoids is nearly impossible for most leafminers in their...
Optimal floating and queuing strategies: Consequences for density dependence and habitat loss
Field studies of many vertebrates show that some individuals (floaters) do not defend...
The adaptive dynamics of consumer choice
This article uses mathematical models to investigate the consequences of...
A minimal model for forest fire regimes
We show in this article how the characteristics of fire recurrence in forests can be...
Should prey overestimate the risk of predation
Mathematical models are used to determine the optimal foragnig effort of individuals...
Intraspecific fledging mass variation in the Alcidae, with special reference to the seasonal fledging mass decline
Species in the avian family Alcidae show enormous inter- and intraspecific variation...
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