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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Mutual information based input feature selection for classification problems
Yu Hongnian
The elimination process aims to reduce the size of the input feature set and at the...
Service design of consumer data intermediary for competitive individual targeting
Zhao Xia
Individual targeting, a marketing strategy that firms target individual consumers with...
Help that is not recognized: Harmful neglect of decision support systems
Wierenga Berend
Decision support systems (DSSs) aim to enhance the performance of decision makers, but...
Towards business intelligence systems success: Effects of maturity and culture on analytical decision making
Hackney Ray
The information systems (IS) literature has long emphasized the positive impact of...
Effects of conflicting aggregated rating on eWOM review credibility and diagnosticity: The moderating role of review valence
Lim Kai H
Most B2C websites provide consumers with two types of electronic...
Use of RSS feeds to push online content to users
Ma Dan
Many websites use Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to actively push their online...
The effect of social capital on community loyalty in a virtual community: Test of a tripartite‐process model
Hsiao Cheng-Chieh
Drawing upon social capital theory and social exchange theory, this study attempts to...
A decision support system of vehicle routing and refueling for motor carriers with time‐sensitive demands
Suzuki Yoshinori
Given the recent trend of raising fuel cost and the increased...
A trust‐semantic fusion‐based recommendation approach for e‐business applications
Lu Jie
Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most popular recommendation technique but still...
A framework for transformation from conceptual to logical workflow models
Zhao J Leon
Both conceptual and logical workflow models are needed to support business process...
Assessing the perception of information components in financial decision support systems
Ben-Assuli Ofir
Estimating the contribution of DSS to financial consulting decision‐making is...
Understanding online purchase decision making: The effects of unconscious thought, information quality, and information quantity
Gao Jie
The prosperity of online shopping has led e‐commerce vendors to provide...
The effects of location personalization on individuals' intention to use mobile services
Ho Shuk Ying
The rising pervasiveness of mobile commerce has prompted firms to rapidly leverage...
Delayed product introduction
Hui Kai-Lung
We investigate the incentives of a monopolist seller to delay the introduction of a...
Examining the role of learning engagement in technology‐mediated learning and its effects on learning effectiveness and satisfaction
Hu Paul Jen-Hwa
We examine students' learning effectiveness and satisfaction in...
Service innovation readiness: Dimensions and performance outcome
Wei Chih-Ping
This study proposes a higher‐order multidimensional construct of service...
Effects of product learning aids on the breadth and depth of recall
Wei Kwok-Kee
Product learning aid, which helps consumers to gain product knowledge for subsequent...
Measuring the relative efficiency of IC design firms using the directional distance function and a meta‐frontier approach
Chern Ching-Chin
This paper presents an alternative approach for evaluating the efficiency of...
Relationship, contract and IT outsourcing success: Evidence from two descriptive case studies
Chau Patrick Y K
In spite of the continuous increase in IT outsourcing activities globally, a...
Enhancing perceived interactivity through network externalities: An empirical study on micro‐blogging service satisfaction and continuance intention
Lu Yaobin
Users' continuance intention is vital to the future of micro‐blogging service...
Understanding web enjoyment experiences and informal learning: A study in a museum context
Gregor Shirley
There is a significant and growing trend to provide informational learning material...
Re‐examining the influence of trust on online repeat purchase intention: The moderating role of habit and its antecedents
Hsu Meng-Hsiang
Customer loyalty or repeat purchasing is critical for the survival and success of any...
Subjectivity and sentiment analysis: An overview of the current state of the area and envisaged developments
Montoyo Andrs
In this introduction, we present an overview of the current state of research in the...
Feature selection for sentiment analysis based on content and syntax models
Duric Adnan
Recent solutions for sentiment analysis have relied on feature selection methods...
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