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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Predicting consumer decisions to adopt mobile commerce: Cross country empirical examination between China and Malaysia
Chan Felix T S
Advancements in wireless communications have increased the number of people using...
A graph‐based action network framework to identify prestigious members through member's prestige evolution
Lu Dongyuan
Prestigious members on social networking websites are attracting increasing attentions...
Internet‐based knowledge acquisition: Task complexity and performance
Speier Cheri
Internet tools used as knowledge retrieval mechanisms can be beneficial for knowledge...
A DSS for planning of soil‐sensitive field operations
Bochtis Dionysis D
The current increased size of agricultural vehicles aggravates the problem of soil...
A decision support model for tax revenue collection in Greece
Hristu-Varsakelis D
In the midst of the financial crisis currently unfolding in Greece, tax revenue...
The progression of online trust in the multi‐channel retailer context and the role of product uncertainty
Bock Gee-Woo
This research attempts to evaluate the effects of antecedents of online trust in the...
A generalized model of partial resale
Whinston Andrew B
Partial resale refers to the business scenario where some resale activities, yet not...
A social capital perspective on meta‐knowledge contribution and social computing
Kumar Nanda
Recent years have seen a substantial growth of social computing, where large numbers...
Consumer‐based decision aid that explains which to buy: Decision confirmation or overconfidence bias?
Teo Hock-Hai
Providing explanation to justify product recommendations is critical in the online...
Prioritization and management of inter‐enterprise collaborative performance
Verdecho Mara-Jos
Collaboration among enterprises has gained attention in the business environment as a...
Forecasting medical cost inflation rates: A model comparison approach
Cao Qing
Due to healthcare costs rising faster than overall cost of living, decision makers...
Shall we dance? – The effect of information presentations on negotiation processes and outcomes
Gettinger Johannes
The way information is presented influences human decision making and is consequently...
A generic ballast water discharge assessment model as a decision supporting tool in ballast water management
David Matej
One of the critical issues in species invasion ecology is the need to understand and...
Information technology and organizational capabilities: A longitudinal study of the apparel industry
Zhang Han
Business value of information technology (IT) is one of the most important research...
Factors of process model comprehension–Findings from a series of experiments
Recker Jan
In order to make good decisions about the design of information systems, an essential...
Nearest‐neighbor‐based approach to time‐series classification
Wei Chih-Ping
Many interesting applications involve predictions based on a time‐series...
What drives consumers to spread electronic word of mouth in online consumer‐opinion platforms
Cheung Christy M K
The advance of the Internet facilitates consumers to share and exchange...
Preprocessing unbalanced data using support vector machine
Bose Indranil
This paper deals with the application of support vector machine (SVM) to deal with the...
Workflow composition of service level agreements for web services
Blake M Brian
Service‐oriented architecture enables an environment where businesses can...
A cost‐sensitive technique for positive‐example learning supporting content‐based product recommendations in B‐to‐C e‐commerce
Hu Paul Jen-Hwa
Existing supervised learning techniques are able to support product recommendations in...
Building a term suggestion and ranking system based on a probabilistic analysis model and a semantic analysis graph
Chen Lin-Chih
Term suggestion is a kind of information retrieval technique that attempts to suggest...
Optimal inventory policies with non‐stationary supply disruptions and advance supply information
Gll Refik
We consider the production/inventory problem of a manufacturer (or a retailer) under...
The benefit of information asymmetry: When to sell to informed customers?
Bhargava Hemant K
Buyers are often uncertain about product valuations before they commit to purchase. In...
Revisiting the incentive to tolerate illegal distribution of software products
Lahiri Atanu
Motivated by the recent strategy switch of a large software producer, this paper...
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