Journal: Artificial Intelligence

Found 38 papers in total
Minimax real-time heuristic search
Real-time heuristic search methods interleave planning and plan executions and plan...
Monitoring and control of anytime algorithms: A dynamic programming approach
Anytime algorithms offer a tradeoff between solution quality and computation time that...
Planning as heuristic search
In the AIPS98 Planning Contest, the HSP planner showed that heuristic search planners...
Computer go: An AI oriented survey
Since the beginning of AI, mind games have been studied as relevant application...
Optimal auctions revisited
This paper addresses several basic problems inspired by the adaptation of economic...
Nature's way of optimizing
We propose a general-purpose method for finding high-quality solutions to hard...
Dynamic problem structure analysis as a basis for constraint-directed scheduling heuristics
While the exploitation of problem structure by heuristic search techniques has a long...
Constraint-directed techniques for scheduling alternative activities
In this paper, we expand the scope of constraint-directed scheduling techniques to...
Constraint propagation techniques for the disjunctive scheduling problem
Constraint propagation is an elementary method for reducing the search space of...
A near-optimal polynomial time algorithm for learning in certain classes of stochastic games
We present a new algorithm for polynomial time learning of optimal behavior in...
Bounded-parameter Markov decision processes
In this paper, we introduce the notion of a bounded-parameter Markov decision process...
Learning to construct knowledge bases from the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is a vast source of information accessible to computers, but...
Learning to act using real-time dynamic-programming
Learning methods based on dynamic programming (DP) are receiving increasing attention...
Reducing reexpansions in iterative-deepening search by controlling cutoff bounds
It is known that a best-first search algorithm like A* requires too much space...
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