Reducing reexpansions in iterative-deepening search by controlling cutoff bounds

Reducing reexpansions in iterative-deepening search by controlling cutoff bounds

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Article ID: iaor1995937
Country: United States
Volume: 50
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 207
End Page Number: 221
Publication Date: Apr 1991
Journal: Artificial Intelligence
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: programming: branch and bound

It is known that a best-first search algorithm like A* requires too much space (which often renders it unusable) and a depth-first search strategy does not guarantee an optimal cost solution. The iterative-deepening algorithm IDA* achieves both space and cost optimality for a class of tree searching problems. However, for many other problems, it takes too much of computation time due to excessive reexpansion of nodes. This paper presents a modification of IDA* to an admissible iterative depth-first branch and bound algorithm IDA*-CR for trees which overcomes this drawback of IDA* and operates much faster using the same amount of storage. Algorithm IDA*-CRA, a bounded suboptimal cost variation of IDA*-CR is also presented in order to reduce the execution time still further. Results with the 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem, and the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem are shown.


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