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Journal: European Journal of Information Systems
707 papers
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Implications of space and time for distributed work: an interpretive study of US–Norwegian systems development teams
Sarker Suprateek
In this paper, utilizing the often taken-for-granted notions of space and time, we...
A model of electronic commerce adoption by small voluntary organizations
MacKay Nancy
The study discussed in this paper uses case studies of six small voluntary...
Electronic trading and the process of globalization in traditional futures exchanges: a temporal perspective
Barrett Michael
This paper develops a temporal perspective to examine information and communication...
Hermeneutics, information and representation
Chalmers Matthew
By drawing from semiology, epistemology and philosophical hermeneutics, we discuss the...
Can Thomas Kuhn's paradigms help us understand software engineering?
Wernick Paul
Recent articles in EJIS have discussed whether or not Information Systems is a...
Possibilities for cross-fertilization between interpretive approaches and other methods for analyzing information systems
Alter Steven
This paper explores possibilities for cross-fertilization between interpretive...
Potential of critical e-applications for engaging small and medium enterprises in e-business: a provider perspective
Lockett Nigel
Against a background of the low engagement of small and medium-sized enterprises...
How organizations adopt information system process innovations: a longitudinal analysis
Lyytinen Kalle
This paper describes how three organizations adopted information system (IS) process...
Computer-mediated knowledge sharing and individual user differences: an exploratory study
Taylor W. Andrew
Prior research has shown that individual differences in users' cognitive style and...
Action-oriented conceptual modelling
gerfalk Pr J.
The aim of this paper is to show how speech act theory can be used in systems...
Configuring peer-to-peer software: an empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software
Whitley Edgar A.
The emergence of new digital media has led to new sources and locations of power, and...
Broadband development in South Korea: institutional and cultural factors
Choudrie Jyoti
This paper is about the broadband development in South Korea (henceforth Korea). Korea...
Technological switchbacks: the transition to Western information systems in privatised firms of the former East Germany
Marble Robert P.
The work of this paper centres on a study of business organisations of the former...
Organizational determinants of IT adoption in the pharmaceutical distribution sector
Bruque-Cmara Sebastin
The aim of this paper is to propose new organizational factors that might explain the...
“Interpretive” mobility, IS and computing
Bhattacharjee Anjana
The existing state of the art within “interpretive” sociology is...
Ethnography, ethnomethodology and the problem of generalisation in design
Sharrock Wes
This paper discusses the relationship between sociological theory and method,...
Taking technomethodology seriously: hybrid change in the ethnomethodology–design relationship
Crabtree Andy
The incorporation of ethnomethodology in professional systems development has prompted...
The ontological screening of contemporary life: a phenomenological analysis of screens
Introna Lucas D.
In this paper, we attempt to show how phenomenology, in a traditional methodological...
Technology-driven and model-driven approaches to group decision support: focus, research philosophy, and key concepts
Ackermann Fran
There are (at least) two distinct traditions within group decision support: what we...
Are European information systems journals under-rated? An answer based on citation analysis
Katerattanakul Pairin
A concern that the quality of European IS journals has been under-rated by existing...
Consumer search in electronic markets: an experimental analysis of travel services
rni Anssi
Electronic markets are frequently touted to be highly efficient. The prevailing...
Understanding online purchase intentions: contributions from technology and trust perspectives
Heijden Hans van der
This paper explores factors that influence consumer's intentions to purchase online at...
Business use of Internet-based information systems: the case of Korea
Lee Sangjae
The potential of the Internet to reach a large and growing body of customers, coupled...
Personality traits and effectiveness of presentation of product information in e-business systems
Ramamurthy K.
Consumer interaction with product information is one of the critical components in...
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