Journal: Health Systems

Found 86 papers in total
Quantifying patient flow and utilization with patient flow pathway and diagnosis of an emergency department in Singapore
Patient treatment and care in emergency departments (ED) is complex because of...
Facilitating the transition from manual to automated nurse rostering
After several decades of academic research in the field of automated nurse rostering,...
Computing the number of acute-care beds within NC Certificate of Need
North Carolina’s Certificate of Need legislation is intended to limit...
A Markov chain model for quantifying consumer risk in food supply chains
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 48 million...
Modeling the effect of public health resources and alerting on the dynamics of pertussis spread
We consider the response of a local health department (LHD) to a pertussis outbreak...
Examining the impact of regular physician visits on heart failure patients: a use case with electronic health data
The rapid adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) presents opportunities to study...
Centers for medicare and medicaid services provider characteristics fail to explain billing variability
We aim to explain the variation in provider charges based on Centers for Medicare and...
Exploring the antecedents of the quality of life of patients with sickle cell disease: using a knowledge discovery and data mining process model-based framework
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common single‐gene disorder worldwide and...
An analysis of patient portal utilization: what can we learn about online patient behavior by examining portal click data?
This paper presents a study of online patient portal utilization through the analysis...
The edit distance approach: an alternate method for assessing multi-observer agreement in process studies
Direct observation of complex health‐care processes typically involves...
Communicating identity congruence in e-health information seeking: a preliminary investigation
The current study analyzed the perceptions of online health information seekers...
Analyzing patient choices for routine procedures in the United States vs overseas before and after the affordable care act: a case study
Low prices and good medical care have caused an increasing number of Americans to...
Using social network analysis to identify the most central services in an emergency department
In the past decade, emergency department (ED) overcrowding has become an...
Identity and the health information consumer: a research agenda
There is currently a need to better understand the impacts of emerging technologies...
Modelling of psoriasis patient flows for the reconfiguration of secondary care services and treatments
This paper describes work in collaboration with a large dermatology directorate in...
Decomposition-based heuristics for the integrated physician rostering and surgery scheduling problem
In this paper, a comparison and validation of various priority rules for the...
Using Wizard of Oz technology for telemedicine
Traditional computer simulations do not incorporate human intuition and...
Cost-benefit evaluation of e-health services: acceptance and value creation are interactive forces
Resources are limited in health care. There is a scarcity of knowledge on how to...
Exploring the effects of eHealth service innovation
To analyse the impact of implementation and use of eHealth services is fraught with...
Business models for telemedicine services: a literature review
Telemedicine has been acknowledged to improve the quality of healthcare. However, many...
Trends in BMI and obesity in U.S. women of childbearing age during the period of 1980‐2010
Statistical analyses and simulation are combined to provide insights about the trends...
A tale of two standards: strengthening HIPAA security regulations using the PCI-DSS
This paper both illustrates the inadequacy of current Health Insurance Portability and...
Toward improved heuristic evaluation of EHRs
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of...
Developing a user-friendly interface for a self-service healthcare research portal: cost-effective usability testing
Usability is a critical but often overlooked factor in the design and development of...
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