Journal: Journal of Operations Management

Found 378 papers in total
Testing and classifying vehicle dispatching rules in three real-world settings
Guided vehicles (GVs) are commonly used for the internal transportation of loads in...
From supply chain to demand chain: the role of lead time reduction in improving demand chain performance
To improve demand chain performance, is it better for parties in a supply chain to...
Building contingency planning for closed-loop supply chains with product recovery
Contingency planning is the first stage in developing a formal set of production...
An integrated benchmarking approach to distribution center performance using DEA modelling
This research proposes an integrated benchmarking framework illustrated in the context...
The effect of location, strategy, and operations technology on hospital performance
Hospitals in the US are faced with challenges in how to compete and remain viable in...
On the merits and pitfalls of critical chain scheduling
The direct application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to project management, known...
Flexible bed allocation and performance in the intensive care unit
The beds of an intensive care unit (ICU) are a scarce resource. Stochastic patient...
An analysis of the operations efficiency of major airports in the United States
Recently, considerable attention has been focused on the performance of various...
Inventory policy for dense retail outlets
A potential retail operations strategy is to have a ‘dense’ store. That...
Supply chain benefits from advanced customer commitments
Buyers are frequently encouraged through price discounts to buy in certain ways...
Order review/release in the absence of adherence to formal scheduling policies
In many plants, the performance of shop floor workers is measured by accounting-based...
Processes with nearly-sequential routings: a comparative analysis
Recent advances in automated technology have made it possible to incorporate many of...
Inventory buffers in recoverable manufacturing
Recoverable manufacturing is becoming an increasingly important alternative to firms...
The effect of workload control on performance in make-to-order companies
Workload control (WLC) concepts are a new group of production planning and control...
Heuristic, optimal, static, and dynamic schedules when processing times are uncertain
In this paper we compare the static and dynamic application of heuristic and optimal...
The development of cash flow weight procedures for maximizing the net present value of a project
The authors describe in this paper the development of heuristic procedures for...
Using discounted cash flow heuristics to improve project net present value
The problem of scheduling resource-constrained projects to maximize their Net Present...
Heuristic scheduling of capital constrained projects
The movement to product and process development projects that involve joint ventures...
The resource constrained time/cost tradeoff project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows
Many of the recent studies on Project Scheudling focus on maximizing the Net Present...
A study of approximating the moments of the job completion time in PERT networks
The importance of proper management of projects has not gone unrecognized in industry...
Efficient priority rules for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Resource-constrained project scheduling is a core problem for many industrial...
An iterative local constraint based analysis for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem
In this paper, a new heuristic iterative scheduling approach is proposed for the...
Scheduling outpatient appointments in a dynamic environment
The primary issue addressed in this research is how to schedule clients as they call...
A revenue management approach to demand management and order booking in assemble-to-order manufacturing
Revenue management is an order acceptance and refusal process that employs...
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